We have been looking at months of the year in French. We began by trying to find the matching pair to the word cards on our tables using a silent conversation protocol. One person had the English word and the other person had the French translation for months of the year. We discussed how we knew we had found the correct pair and we used our existing knowledge as well as identifying cognates for some of the months.

We watched a video and listened carefully to each of the months in French. If we heard our birthday month we had to stand up.
We then used the iPads to research various different important events that happen in France. We had to find out the month that the events usually happen and write this down using the French spelling. Just like days of the week, French months do not need capital letters at the beginning.

We finished off by learning how to ask and answer ‘when is your birthday?’ in French. We discussed with our partners and then shared the information we had found with the rest of the crew and confirmed whether this information was correct.