After being Noah last week and making the ark for the animals, our next bit of writing was Noah getting all of the animals onto the ark to stay out of the rain. Noah rang his bell loudly and shouted for all of the animals to come onto his ark, they went on in 2 by 2. We were fab at acting out the animals and their different movements!
Now that we’ve finished our plot points, it’s time to edit and redraft some of our writing. In our writing lesson on Friday, we were shown some examples of writing from children’s books and we were shown how to edit a piece of work. Then we had an opportunity to work through some sentences and share our thoughts with the rest of the class. Next, we’ll look at redrafting and have time to redraft our own writing so we can uplevel it.
During our writing lesson, we’ve been discussing the importance of proofreading our writing. Before completing our plot point, we swapped books and provided some praises and wonders to help our partners move their learning forward.
Today in our writing lesson, we took part in a second experience day. This one all focussed around the touch, taste and smell lenses as this is what we will be including in our PP4 chunk. We tried a variety of sweets and built up our vocabulary ready to use on Monday.
In preparation for our final plot point in writing, we were super excited to spend a lesson taste testing a number of different types of sweets. These sweets triggered different taste buds on our tongue, meaning we reacted to them in different ways. We were able to use our experience to create a bank of vocabulary to support our writing. We pulled lots of funny faces – especially with the sour and fizzy sweets.
This week, as part of The Write Stuff we have begun to read a new book, ‘All afloat on Noah’s boat’ to support our Expedition learning. The book begins with Noah building his ark, therefore we worked in mini crews to build our own arks just like him. During the activity we also generated lots of vocabulary that Mrs Elmer chotted so that we could use this to empower our writing at the end of the week. Such as, we thought about the actions that we were doing that would have been similar to Noah, ‘tapping’, ‘fixing’, ‘concentrating’ and ‘joining’. We also shared how we felt building the arks to experience how we thought Noah might be feeling, ‘happy and excited because I love building’, ‘happy, I like crafting’, ‘nervous and frightened because my boat might not be big enough’, ‘scared because my boat might not float’, ‘hot and tired because building is hard work’. Watch this space for some fabulous writing to come!
Today in our experience lesson we have started to read our new book – All afloat on Noah’s boat. The book starts with Noah building an ark, therefore we all built an ark in our groups just like him. We felt hot, bothered, tired and sweaty.
In writing, we have been creating diary entries from the perspective of Cam through the events of Pig Heart Boy. We are enjoying this and had the opportunity to mark our peer’s work, which was a great way to help us identify the features of good writing (and to magpie each other’s great ideas)! Hopefully this will make the remaining plot points easier to write so we can show off the progress that we have made.
Today we finished our book of “Our Tower” the children met a man in the tree who gifted them a stone with a hole in it, the stone gave them a different view of the world. Once leaving the magical inside of the tree the children decided to use this to view their city. This now looked completely different through their viewpoint – the once grey and dull city no longer looked dull and boring but now looked fun with people having picnics and playing, the sun was shining and everyone was having fun.
It left us thinking that if you change your view on something it might not be as bad as it seems.