The Great Explorer 🌊 🐳 🧊

Today, we completed our case study reflection for Case Study 2. We reflected on all our learning over the case study and answered some questions based on our learning. I was blown away by the amount of knowledge the children had remembered.
We set up our science experiment by measuring 200ml of water to put in each of the jugs. We then placed these into the freezer for 24 hours. After they had frozen, we placed one in the freezer, one on the radiator and one on the table. We then measure the amount of water (ice melted) every half an hour and recorded the results. We then plotted a graph to show our results. We wrote all this up in a scientific report including: a title, prediction, equipment list, method, results and conclusion.
After visiting the park and having no hope there finding out where penguin was from, the little boy decided to ask his duck in his bath…. annoyingly the duck had no idea either! He floated off with no explanation!
In Nursery, we are loving getting our body moving when doing the wiggle dance by DannyGo. We are practicing good listening and copying to make sure we are doing the moves properly!
Today we played in the park to ask all of the birds – where is penguin from? We still did not find out the answer and will have to keep searching.
This morning, we have had our experience lesson for our independent write. We sequenced the pictures of the video and then chotted some ideas and vocabulary we might use. We then completed our planning sheet with lots of year 3 features such as fronted adverbials, conjunctions and ambitious vocabulary.
We have started our new text today, Lost and Found. The boy unexpectedly found a penguin on his doorstep 🐧 They little boy was confused as to who it belonged to and in order to find out where he had come from they visited lots of places. His first stop was the park. He saw lots of noisy children and chirping birds who ignored the little boys plea for help.
This morning in writing, we have been spending time editing our learning from yesterday. We needed some time to ensure our writing was punctuated correctly and that we had wrote in chunks of sense. Before starting to edit our writing, we spent some time reading each others work and supporting each other with where we needed to make some corrections.