Maths week continues in MI

Today we consolidated our learning from yesterday by adding money amounts mentally. We then moved onto adding amounts using a written method and found change! We loved visiting Crew MI’s shop, choosing different items we wanted to buy.

Money Money Money

Before starting our money unit in maths, we had the opportunity to play with the money so we’d feel more confident recognising the coins. While working with our partner, we gave them an amount of money and they had to count how much they had. This encouraged us to count in multiples of 1,2,5,10,20 and 50 supporting our understanding of place value.

Maths week starts in MI

Today we started to explore coins and notes in our maths lesson. We made different money amounts and started to think about how we set out money when adding them together! We are ready to visit Crew MI’s shop tomorrow where we will start to buy different food items πŸ™‚

Multiplication in MI

Yesterday we used a written method for multiplication. We looked at multiplying two and three digit numbers by a one digit number. We even challenged ourselves with some reasoning and problem solving questions πŸ™‚

Uno addition

Crew Godley have activated their new unit of maths, addition and subtraction by playing Uno addition. Our first job was to determine whether we would use one or two digit numbers, challenging ourselves. We then selected uno cards at random to add together. The challenge was to complete as many as we could in 5 minutes! We were all successful whilst showing off our quick fire skills.

Multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000

To help us understand what happens to numbers when we multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000, we became a human number. We looked at columns and were introduced to the decimal point. Ellie-May was a great decimal point and took her role very seriously, making sure she didn’t move! We then looked at what would happen to our number if we multiplied or divided by 10, 100 and 1000 and how our number would move one, two or three places on our place value chart.

Maths in MI

Our do now allowed us to consolidate our learning on roman numerals, we are all getting really confident with these πŸ™‚ The activate part of the lesson really got us thinking. β€˜The answer is 100’ What could the question be? There were some great collaborative working on this and some great questions were generated. Well done MI πŸ™‚