Arithmetic in MI

A fab arithmetic lesson today 🙂 We worked on our timestables, consolidated different question types then worked on our written methods. Our extension allowed us to practice dividing by 10 and 100. A great lesson by all!

Counting 2

Our new friend number 2 needed our help! He wanted the boys and girls in nursery to help him do his food shopping but before we could, he reminded us that he only liked to buy things in twos. We had to look carefully at the food and make sure that we counted out 2 of the items he had asked for, before putting them into the shopping trolley.

We were all really supportive of each other, and we helped our friends check that they had accurately counted out 2 food items.

Subitising 2

This week in maths, our focus has been the number 2. We started off by talking about what 2 looks like represented as spots and objects arranged as a dice pattern, different patterns and different sizes. We talked about how it was different to 1 because 1 was always by itself whereas 2 was 1 and another 1.

We used this learning to help us create a path for a little kitten who wanted to get from the red counter to the yellow counter. However, the path could only include stepping stones that showed 2! We used our subitising skills to work as a group to decide which stepping stones we could use to create a safe path for the kitten to use to get from one counter to the other.

Becoming the teacher in MI…

A fantastic timestables session today that allowed some of us to become the teacher! The teacher questioned the other children on landmarks and asked each member to explain their reasons for each choice given! I was blown away by how well the children did this! Everybody is keen to have a go at becoming the teacher!

Incredible mathematicians in MI

Today we continued with our measures unit, focussing on converting between M’s and KM’s. We multiplied and divided by 1000, recording in both metres, kilometres and a mixture of both. Our work hard howl blew me away today, such positive attitudes by all 🙂