Our timestable rockstar day ended with quite the battle! Crews battled against each other to gather points in the hope their crew would make it to the final! There was great encouragement by all and it was lovely to see the improvements in our timestable knowledge! A big well done to everyone that took part 🙂 A big shout out to Crew Boswell who made it to the final! And to the 2 children who beat Mrs Ibbotson!
Repeating Patterns in Maths
Crew MW have been exploring repeating patterns this week in maths. We have copied patterns, continued patterns and made our own patterns using cubes, vehicles and natural resources around provision. We even challenged ourselves to spot the mistake in Miss Welburn’s patterns!
MI working hard on arithmetic gaps
Today we started to unpick our arithmetic test from last week, working on some of the questions we answered incorrectly.
Mass in maths!
Crew MW have been exploring mass in maths today. We have been using our scales to weigh objects and compare which one is heavy and which one is light. We were really good at using our mathematical language to compare!
Division in MI
Today we used cubes to help us with division 🙂 We all worked well with our partner discussing how we could share and group the cubes.
Multi-Step Addition and Subtraction Problems in Crew Boswell
Today we played a board game to develop our understanding of multi-step problems. At first, it was a little tricky picking out the sums in the questions but after a little practice and help from our friends we started to get the hang of it!
Maths in MI
We are continuing to work on our place value skills in our magic maths sessions. Today we also worked on our own times table grid which we will use as support when looking at column multiplication.
Today, we are learning about the inverse, the relationship between addition and subtraction. we made numbers with playing cards and made fact families sentences.➖➕🟰
Magic maths in MI
The work hard howl was really shown today in our magic maths session 🙂 Children really tried hard when they were challenged but all still ensured they had a positive attitude.
What makes Magic Maths magic?🪄✖️
In our first magic maths session a child posed the question ‘what makes Magic Maths magic?’ The magic is that all the bits we keep forgetting in maths and arithmetic lessons and consolidated in Magic Maths and when we keep drip feeding it in… Abracadabra! We remember!
Based on gaps in our baseline assessment we focused on squared and cubed numbers and ordering decimal numbers. We will keep consolidating this so it stays in our long term memory!