Maths in Crew MW 🧮🟢🔺

Some recent maths learning that has been taking place in Crew MW.

Sorting shapes – circle or triangle? We discussed what makes a circle a circle and what makes a triangle a triangle. We then used these descriptions to decide whether the shapes needed to go in the circle group or the triangle group. We then investigated items around the classroom and found examples of circles and triangles.

Finding 1 less – how do we know? We talked about finding 1 less and how this meant we would end up with a smaller amount. We created towers of 5 blocks and removed blocks 1 at a time to find 1 less than our starting number. We then checked how many were left by counting them. We got really confident as predicting what we thought 1 less than our starting number would be!

Composing 4 and 5 – how can we make different numbers? We looked at how numbers can help us make other numbers. We investigated different ways we could make the number 4 and the number 5 by putting small world pieces into 2 baskets and seeing how many were in each basket (parts) and then seeing how many we had altogether (whole). We worked really well together to talk about how we could move the pieces between the baskets, how many we had in each and then predicted our whole before using our counting skills to check our answer. We then really challenged ourselves and added a third basket!

Using our prepositional language in maths

In maths today, we read the story ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’. We used the language, ‘over’, ‘under’ and ‘through’ to describe what the characters were doing. After we learnt the vocabulary, we built the story using small world resources and showed how the characters moved through the story, using our new vocabulary to describe what they were doing. We then placed our peg dolls around the classroom and used language like, ‘on top of’, ‘underneath’, ‘inside’ and ‘next to’ to describe where the peg dolls were.

Exploring a new resource…👀

Crew MW explored a mystery box this morning in outdoor provision…We began by predicting what might be in the box. Some of us thought there might be a giant teddy in there, or a pirate, or maybe even a unicorn! But what we found was some giant polydron pieces! We had lots of fun working together to build using the polydrons outside! We created a house and a tunnel with a trap door and we followed Miss Welburn’s instructions and positional language carefully to make the structures. We even worked out how to rotate the shapes around to make them fit together. The best part was pretending to be the Big Bad Wolf and the Three Little Pigs! We huffed, and we puffed, and we blew the house down! 🐷🐷🐷🐺