Celebrating ‘Awesome’ Habits of Work and Learning

This week I was lucky enough to have a McDonalds lunch with our Carcroft Superstars. These children celebrated their fabulous HoWLs scores with a McDonalds Party Lunch. These pupils have demonstrated that throughout the last half term, their attitude towards learning has really been awesome, showing a working hard to get smart attitude whilst being kind along the way; demonstrating this day in day out, week in and week out.

These pupils are a credit to themselves, their parents, us as a school and to the community of Carcroft.

It was such a pleasure to be able to sit and chat with them and enjoy an hour in their company. What a truly beautiful afternoon- I can’t wait to do it again next half term and maybe with even more pupils?

Feeling proud x

Reading helps us to better understand the world in which we live

Today I spent the morning with Mrs Ibbotson, our Reading Leader, looking at our Reading Strategy in action. It was a pleasure to see children so engaged in their Reading lessons across Year 2 to Year 6, whereby we spotted pupils practising their reading aloud, in order to develop their fluency so that they can then better understand their text. They were engaging in texts which would support them to better answer their guiding question for their current expedition. In some classes, the children were answering questions about the text and their Teachers were checking their understanding using protocols such as whip around and cold call. I particularly loved being in Crew Boswell, where they were being challenged by Mr B to further develop their oracy skills by providing a detailed response when asked a question. This session really made my day, to hear our pupils articulating their ideas with such elegance. Finally, I loved seeing so much collaboration in nearly every class including lots of paired reading and supporting one another to answer questions. Another lovely morning where I left feeling proud of what we are achieving together as a school.

A Wonderful Wednesday at Carcroft School

Yesterday I saw some fabulous learning going on across our school. I started off in Year 5, where Crew Boswell were practising their spelling rules using a range of methods in their spelling book. Then next door, Crew MI had moved into their English lesson, where I spotted children using Mrs Ibbotson’s anchor charts at the front of their classroom to help them to generate their ideas.

Next I visited Year 6 where I spotted Year 6 working as Geographers. They were discussing the concept ‘Fairtrade’ following a silent conversation. I noticed pupils answering questions and Miss McLoughlin was supporting the children to develop their answers to provide a more in depth response. Deacon worked hard to extend his answer in order to get smarter today which was fab!

Crew Fox were using a silent conversation to help Mrs Fox to understand what they already knew about ‘Fairtrade’; everyone was fully immersed in their learning and were working sensibly as a crew.

After that I went upstairs to have peak in Y4 and Y5. Y5 were being Geographers, they had learned facts about Columbia and were using this information to then create information posters. The children were extremely focussed.

In Y4 the children were Musicians. The children were able to recall subject specific language such as ‘Forte’ and ‘Piano’ when chanting their rhyme with actions. Awesome crew work!

Finally I spent some time in Crew Gerrard and Crew Welburn. In Crew G, I was amazed that every single child was so focussed on their learning. The learning environment oozed ‘working hard’. And in Crew Welburn, children were enjoying their reading for pleasure book whilst sipping on their milk. I also spotted Shania undertaking her stewardship role, ensuring all pencils were sharp and ready for the writing lesson.

A lovely morning with our fabulous pupils! There really is some great Teaching and Learning going on around our school.

On an afternoon, we are Mathematicians

I spent Monday afternoon with Mr Longley (our Maths Lead) talking through the Mathematics curriculum at Carcroft School as it’s a little bit different to the Maths Curriculum we had in place last year. Mr Longley showed me ‘Magic Maths’ in practise and I spotted our Y3 Crew Flaherty and Crew Gerrard practising their written methods for addition.

We then went and had a little look at Magic in Y5, where we spotted Crew MI practising converting mixed fractions. They were able to use Mrs McClare’s anchor chart to support them with the new method they had been taught.

Next we had a little look in Crew McLoughlin, who were working hard to get smart using metric measures. Mrs McLoughlin was re-modelling some of the learning with a small group of pupils and I noticed other children working on either fluency or reasoning and problem solving questions.

It was great to see nearly every pupil working hard to get smart on a Monday afternoon. Keep up the great work Carcroft Mathematicians.

Working hard on a Terrific Tuesday

Today was my second day back after my maternity leave and I was blown away by some of the beautiful work going on across school.

I also spent yesterday in every crew and spotted every pupil engaged and on- task- it made me so proud! But I forgot my IPad. However, today I made up for it and ensured that I captured some of the fabulous-ness going on across our school.

Today I spotted:

Crew Longley developing their teamwork skills and communication skills in particular during their morning Crew session. They had to move pieces of spaghetti from the table to the floor! They were concentrating so hard!

Then I ventured into Crew Fox whereby they were working hard to ensure that their independent writing was of a Year 6 standard by critiquing a piece of work and checking it against the gold standard on their rubric. The children were certainly working hard to get smart in there today.

Next I had a swift visit to Crew MI whereby pupils were listening to Mrs McClare modelling reading aloud. Children then used her great model to then read fluently in their pairs. There was some fabulous peer work going on in Crew MI today. Great reading guys!

After being in UKS2, I then visited our youngest pupils in school. I visited Foundation Stage. F1 pupils were working hard to use their construction skills to create a fabulous structure, which they shared was a slide. What I loved about this crew, was the way in which they worked together as a mini crew to take turns with support from Miss Chapman.

I had a little nosey in Crew Godley who were busy on their IPads reading their books on Accelerated Reader and also a flying visit to Crew Flaherty, who were working collaboratively to read their text and answer questions. Some great reading opportunities for our children which was great to see.

I had a quick catch up with Jess and Miss Smith as I whizzed through the hall. Jess was busy burning off some energy, practising her gymnastic skills before heading back to her crew. It was lovely to see you both.

Finally I concluded my morning with a visit to F2, whereby I spotted children cooking up a real treat in the cafe but also children working hard to improve their letter formation with Miss Evans. Some children were also practising their fine motor skills drawing people in the writing area.

I loved spending time in and out of classes and I can’t wait to visit more classes over the next two weeks! Keep up the great work Crew Carcroft!

Acting Headteacher Announcement

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been an absolute privilege to take on the role of Acting Headteacher at Carcroft School. I am writing today to inform you that Miss Laing will be returning to school as Headteacher on Monday 21st February and I will return to my previous role of Assistant Headteacher – Inclusion Leader.

I would like to thank the staff, children and parents for how supportive they have been during this time. This support has meant that leaders, supported by the XP Trust, have been able to continue to drive school improvement forward.

Each and every member of the Carcroft Crew strives to deliver the best education possible as this is what our children truly deserve. I am proud of the progress school has achieved during my time as Acting Headteacher and am looking to forward to working with Miss Laing, and other leaders, to build on this further when she returns.

Have a great half term everyone and see you all when we return on the 21st.

Kind regards,

James Tucker

Do you want to be a Digital Leader?

Across the Trust, children in Years 2 – 5 are being given the opportunity to become an XP Trust Digital Leader.

The launch event for this brilliant scheme took place in school last week and applications are still open for children to apply to take part. Time has been spent in Crew discussing this and supporting with applications, but please do encourage your children to get involved.

Ask your children about the scheme and speak to your child’s Crew Leader if you would like more information.

Grand Designs: Phase One

As part of our ongoing school upgrades and rebranding now that we are part of the XP Trust, a team have spent most of today updating our school entrance. The space has been totally transformed and now truly reflects the incredible work going on throughout school: our values are now clear for all to see, children’s beautiful work is on show and our approach to Crew is visible to all.

The pictures below provide a glimpse into what the XP Comms Crew have designed, but please do bob in and see the changes for yourself. More updates will be taking place in lots of different areas across school and we cannot wait to share those with you in the near future.


Dear Parents and Carers,

As you are already aware, we are currently experiencing rapidly rising cases of Covid19 within our Year 5 cohort. You have already been asked to ensure that all children in Year 5 complete a PCR test and that you provide proof of your results to us to share with Public Health Doncaster.

Based on the number of results returning as positive for Covid19, Public Health Doncaster have advised that we close Year 5 one week early. The aim of this is to limit the spread of Covid19 across our school and wider community so that peoples’ Christmas plans are not impacted by the need to isolate on Christmas Day.

To confirm, Year 5 will not return to school next week and will complete learning from home next week.

Staff in school will be spending this afternoon and Monday morning preparing learning activities which will be shared on Google Classroom for those who have devices and delivered to home addresses for those who do not have a device or access to the internet. These activities will be based on what they would have been completing in school and consolidation tasks based on their learning this term.

For those families who are eligible for free school meals, school will be in touch to organise a lunch each day for those not in school. This will likely be in the form of the online vouchers that parents received during the half-term and summer holidays.

Thank you in advance for your continued support and understanding.

Stay safe everyone.

Yours faithfully,

James Tucker

Acting Headteacher
