A Wonderful Wednesday at Carcroft School

Yesterday I saw some fabulous learning going on across our school. I started off in Year 5, where Crew Boswell were practising their spelling rules using a range of methods in their spelling book. Then next door, Crew MI had moved into their English lesson, where I spotted children using Mrs Ibbotson’s anchor charts at the front of their classroom to help them to generate their ideas.

Next I visited Year 6 where I spotted Year 6 working as Geographers. They were discussing the concept ‘Fairtrade’ following a silent conversation. I noticed pupils answering questions and Miss McLoughlin was supporting the children to develop their answers to provide a more in depth response. Deacon worked hard to extend his answer in order to get smarter today which was fab!

Crew Fox were using a silent conversation to help Mrs Fox to understand what they already knew about ‘Fairtrade’; everyone was fully immersed in their learning and were working sensibly as a crew.

After that I went upstairs to have peak in Y4 and Y5. Y5 were being Geographers, they had learned facts about Columbia and were using this information to then create information posters. The children were extremely focussed.

In Y4 the children were Musicians. The children were able to recall subject specific language such as ‘Forte’ and ‘Piano’ when chanting their rhyme with actions. Awesome crew work!

Finally I spent some time in Crew Gerrard and Crew Welburn. In Crew G, I was amazed that every single child was so focussed on their learning. The learning environment oozed ‘working hard’. And in Crew Welburn, children were enjoying their reading for pleasure book whilst sipping on their milk. I also spotted Shania undertaking her stewardship role, ensuring all pencils were sharp and ready for the writing lesson.

A lovely morning with our fabulous pupils! There really is some great Teaching and Learning going on around our school.