RE – What is a soul and does everyone have one?

This was a lovely session as it was great to hear the children discussing their views on a soul and what they think it is responsible for. One child was a little shy about sharing how they believe God is responsible for our soul but we encouraged them to be proud of their beliefs. Children then drew what they thought a soul looked like which was really interesting.

Subordinate Conjunctions

In writing on Friday, we learned about subordinate conjunctions and how they add further information to the main clause. We learned I SAW A WABUB to help us remember the subordinate conjunctions. Then we worked in pairs to experiment with the position of the subordinate clause. We realised that the subordinate clause can either be at the start or end of the sentence. However, if it is at the start of the sentence, we must remember to use a comma to separate the main clause and the subordinate clause.

Bob Marley is 80!

On Friday, we celebrated the birthday of Bob Marley by singing a melody of his songs. What a wonderful way to start the day. It was lovely to see the children singing along and some of them starting to move with the music.

Be the teacher

In reading this week, the children had the opportunity to be the teacher. They were provided with some inference questions that had been answered. They worked in pairs to evaluate which questions or questions they thought had been answered well. Children were able to start pulling out that they preferred a particular answer because it give an explanation that linked to the question. They could see that in other answers it either didn’t provide enough information or it was a lot of writing but didn’t actually answer the question.