Crew in MI

Today was the start of national storytelling week! Our crew check in allowed us to share our favourite story. We then discussed storytelling in more detail and watched a clip of the first storytelling Laureate, Taft Thomas MBE. Our eyes were glued to the screen through the video clip and we all loved discussing our thoughts afterwards. We discussed storytelling through time and the importance of oral storytelling. From here we thought about what makes a good storyteller, how they make a story exciting and interesting and what the word ‘suspense’ means to us. We thought about our favourite places to read and share a story, some of these being on a bean bag, laid under a tree in the summer, on a chair, laid on our back, in the library and in a quiet space. Mrs McClare discussed her experiences of storytelling when she young and the stories she remembers the most.

When then moved onto looking at Bob Marley in preparation for the world wide sing a long to celebrate Bob Marley’s 80th birthday. We looked at who Bob Marley is and his legacy. At the end of the day we started practising some of his songs, really thinking about the words and what they mean. We loved singing the songs 🙂 We will continue to look at these in our music lesson tomorrow.

Writing continues in MI

Children created some great chotting on Friday with Miss Thompson then used their ideas in a shared write before applying to their own work. Today we all took part in a shared write for the second chunk of PP3 with a real focus on modifying our verbs. We are looking forward to finishing our work on Wednesday.

RE in MI

Today in our RE lesson we considered what makes humans special by exploring beliefs about the soul. We first of all recapped humanism then we watched a video clip ‘What makes me me?’ We paused at different points to answer questions. We then moved onto thinking about the inner soul and the soul. We discussed the two terms and children’s thoughts and feelings on these. We then looked at a variety of quotes on peoples views on the soul and we discussed them in mini crews. We then thought about what our own soul may look like and we had a go at drawing this. We wrote words around our drawing to show what we thought our inner self or soul does. We then took part in a gallery walk where we looked at everyone else’s drawings. We discussed what we saw in mini crews and how our own drawing were similar and different to others.

AB repeating patterns – colours

We have been looking at repeating patterns and what the word ‘repeating’ means. We talked about how it is the same thing again, and again, and again. We started by chanting each of the colours in the pattern, which helped us to continue the pattern – even without the pictures on the board to help us! We then had to work together to see if we could find out what colour would come next in the pattern.

To demonstrate our learning, we then had an individual pattern that we then had to complete with the correct picture. We were really kind to our friends and if we noticed that they had made a mistake we helped them to correct it.

Searching for numeral 2

In Crew McGlone, we looked at how the numeral 2 may look a little different when we see it out and about in the world. It may be a different colour, be written in a different font, be bigger or smaller… but it still represents 2!

Once we had talked about this, we went on a numeral hunt around the classroom. We had to work together as a crew to find as many different numeral 2s as possible. We were successful!

P.E in Crew Marsh

Today the children were learning to balance when jumping from 2 feet to 2 feet or 2 feet to 1 foot and then they smashed jumping from 2 feet, half a turn and then land on 2 feet .