Today the children were recapping on what they’ve learnt so far in grammar.
Experiencing building Noah’s Boat!
This week, as part of The Write Stuff we have begun to read a new book, ‘All afloat on Noah’s boat’ to support our Expedition learning. The book begins with Noah building his ark, therefore we worked in mini crews to build our own arks just like him. During the activity we also generated lots of vocabulary that Mrs Elmer chotted so that we could use this to empower our writing at the end of the week. Such as, we thought about the actions that we were doing that would have been similar to Noah, ‘tapping’, ‘fixing’, ‘concentrating’ and ‘joining’. We also shared how we felt building the arks to experience how we thought Noah might be feeling, ‘happy and excited because I love building’, ‘happy, I like crafting’, ‘nervous and frightened because my boat might not be big enough’, ‘scared because my boat might not float’, ‘hot and tired because building is hard work’. Watch this space for some fabulous writing to come!
In grammar today the children were looking at preposition.
Crew Boswell – Peer Marking in Writing
In writing, we have been creating diary entries from the perspective of Cam through the events of Pig Heart Boy. We are enjoying this and had the opportunity to mark our peer’s work, which was a great way to help us identify the features of good writing (and to magpie each other’s great ideas)! Hopefully this will make the remaining plot points easier to write so we can show off the progress that we have made.
Writing experience day
In preparation for our next plot point, we were delighted to spend a lesson tasting different types of sweets. These sweets would trigger different taste buds on our tongue and allow us to create a bank of vocabulary that will support our writing. Lots of funny faces pulled especially with the sour and fizzy sweets.
Experience day 2
In writing today the children had to taste some sweets and then describe what they looked, taste and touched like
In writing today we started with chotting round the picture using adjectives
Crew Boswell – Diary Entries in Writing
This week, we have started writing diary entries based on our anchor text, Pig Heart Boy. We’ve enjoyed the experience days. To help us understand the main character, Cam, we acted out some freeze frames from the book and tried to guess which part of the story each group had chosen.
Following this, we were in a position to start our writing. To help build our ideas, we completed a silent conversation so we could “all talk at once” and show our creative side! It’s much easier writing when we can magpie the best ideas.
All this planning opportunity has really helped us with our first plot point and we enjoyed being able to share what we’d written with our friends. Keep an eye out for our published work when we finish them!
MI start PP1 in writing
Today we wrote the first chunk of our first plot point. We are creating our own narrative using a clip for our stimulus. Today we used our chotting from last week to help us to create a shared write on our character. We described Tadeo Jone’s appearance and personality whilst using expanded noun phrases, conjunctions and similes. We are excited to move onto the setting of our story 🙂 Some great work MI!
In writing today we sequences the photos in Charlie and the chocolate factory