
This morning in writing, we have been spending time editing our learning from yesterday. We needed some time to ensure our writing was punctuated correctly and that we had wrote in chunks of sense. Before starting to edit our writing, we spent some time reading each others work and supporting each other with where we needed to make some corrections.

Writing -PP4

Yesterday, we continued with our Ice Age narrative writing. We watched the video to remind ourselves what we’d be writing about before chotting down some ideas. After this, we completed a shared write together. Then it was time for children to write independently.

Science Write up

In science, we have been continuing to look at the effects of global warming by conducting some experiments. Our experiment was looking at how temperature is effected based on the conditions. We placed one thermometer in a plastic container and one in a glass container before recording the results at regular intervals. We found that the glass container held the heat because it created a greenhouse effect and trapped the heat.

Scientific report

In our science lesson today, we wrote up our scientific reports from our investigation, which was investigating temperatures of water in a glass and in a plastic cup (which represents the greenhouse affect). We started by writing our own predictions.

Writing in MI

Today we used our chotting and shared write from last week to help us to write the appearance section of our non chronological report. We used our target grids well today, trying to include varied conjunctions and different openers. This afternoon we started chotting for the next section, a tigers habitat. We all took part in a shared write, trying hard to make positive contributions.

The Write Stuff ✏️

This week in writing we have been writing a setting description linking to our stimulus The Jungle Book. We have done two grammar days to consolidate prepositional phrases and figurative language. We have completed our first draft and we’re eager to share to our audience – our Carcroft blog. So here is a sneak peak of some of our hard work so far. Watch this space as we will share again when we have critiqued and revised to up-level our writing.
Disclaimer: Jack had the idea to read in a David Attenborough voice and Lydia went for it!

Voice overs