Today we continued to read The Smartest Giant in Town. The next character George meets is a family of mice whose house has burned down. For our experience lesson we made mice. They were very cute!
My shirt’s on a boat for a sail for a goat..
In today’s experience lesson we each made our own tin foil boat to see if it floated on water. We balanced coins in the boat to make it even harder. After that, we chotted all of our ideas to think about what actions George did, what he could see and then how he might of felt after giving his shirt to the goat to use as a sail on his boat.
We love singing the song for each plot point.
Goat in a boat experience lesson
Today was an experience day for our book The Smartest Giant in Town. In the story George met a goat with a problem. The goat had lost the sail on his boat and he was stuck. We made our own paper boat using our origami skills and discussed how the sail on a boat moves using wind.
A goat in a boat 🐐⛵️
Reading for pleasure…
We are really enjoying our class read… ‘Explorer’ and are taking it in turns each day to read a bit to the class. This has been really effective in improving our fluency and expression.
Crew MW’s weekly library trip!
Crew MW enjoyed their first Christmas story in the library today. We explored the story ‘There’s an elf in your book’ by Tom Fletcher. We loved deciding whether we should do the things that the elf was telling us to do or not and had lots of fun laughing at the illustrations!
My tie is a scarf for a cold giraffe..
Today we started our new story The Smartest Giant in Town. We read the first section where the giant walks through the local town and bumps into a giraffe. The giraffe moaned that he was cold and needed to warm up, therefore we all needed to make a tie for the giraffe to warm up his long neck!
Look at the designs we created on our ties! 👔
Crew MW’s Library Visit
Crew MW enjoyed their library visit again today! This week’s choice was ‘wiggle and roar’ by Julia Donaldson and Nick Sharratt. We loved listening to the rhymes and joining in with the actions! 📚
🎄oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree 🎄
Exciting times ahead in Crew Thompson! 🎄 We are introducing a new reading incentive. Each time you read at home you get to go up the Christmas tree. First one to the top of the Christmas tree will get a huge chocolate Santa! Everyone else that reaches the top will get a mini chocolate Santa! Let the reading commence! 📚🎄
Hansel and Gretel drama
In today’s experience lesson we read the last part of the tale of Hansel and Gretel. Once they had gone into the house they found out it was a nasty witch who owned it. The witch kept Hansel in a cage to fatten him up to eat and made Gretel do lots of horrible jobs. We loved acting out the different parts of the end of the story. Our favourite bit was when Gretel pushed the witch into the oven and they found all of her treasure so they were rich!
We had some great acting and super listening ears and magnet eyes in the audience!