Hooking in to Case Study 3

This morning, we had a video from our school office from the cameras in school. We’d had some visitors last night in our classroom…A group of gingerbread people had snuck through our class and are hiding somewhere in school! We worked out that the next book that we will be looking at is the Gingerbread Man! We read through the story and joined in with the familiar phrases. We are really excited to explore the story and to answer the guiding question, ‘How can we help the gingerbread man to cross the river?’

World Book Day 2024! 🌍📚📖

Dear Parents/Carers, 

On Thursday 7th March 2024 we will be celebrating the annual reading event, World Book Day at Carcroft Primary School. As Storytelling Week was such a success back in the beginning of Spring Term we are excited to say that we will be taking part in this special day to continue to celebrate the love of books and reading! 

During the school day each crew will participate in a range of engaging activities, including sharing their favourite books, recreating book front covers, performing stories through drama and lots more exciting tasks! We hope that these will support our drive to maintain, promote and engage our children’s interest in reading. Each Crew Leader will create a blog at the end of the day so that you can all see the exciting things that your child/ren have been getting up to throughout the day! 

As part of this exciting day we are asking for the children (and staff!) to come to school dressed as their favourite book characters. As always each child will receive a World Book Day £1 token to be redeemed at a retailer of your choice. 

Either at the end of this day or in preparation for the day it would be lovely for you to discuss with your child/ren the different characters from their favourite books and find out what type of books they love to read, as well as participating in some shared reading either using their school book or another book that they have at home. 

We look forward to seeing your child/ren dressed up for this special celebration! 

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation. 

Mrs Elmer 

English Lead

Crew MW library visit 📚

Today we visited one of our favourite areas of school… the library! 🥰 Very kindly, Harlow brought in one of her lovely books from home ‘Peppa goes to London’ and we decided to take that with us to read as we got comfy in the library.

Before we left, we chose a book from the basket to take back to the classroom to read during snack time later on this week.

Demo Comprehension

Yesterday, we had our demo comprehension lesson where the children have a guided session on how to answer questions. We looked at which key words would help us answer. After modelling a couple of questions, the children had an opportunity to answer 2 similar questions with their shoulder partner.

Handa’s Bananas 🍌

Our experience lesson today was totally bananas!
We are exploring the book Handa’s Surprise and in the story fruit is taken out of her basket as she walks to her friends house. A cheeky monkey swings down from a tree and steals a yellow banana without Handa knowing. Once we had made out bananas we walked around school balancing them on our heads. We were on the lookout for monkeys but luckily we didn’t spot any this time!