Creating our own pentatonic melodies using glockenspiels 🎼

In Year 3/4 this morning we have been using the notes F, G, A, D and C on our glockenspiels to create our own melody for ‘I’ve Been To Harlem’. We used the notes in lots of different ways and each pair created a completely different melody that we noted on our whiteboards so that we could remember the sequence. We then had some brave volunteers who performed to the rest of their crew! ✨

Keeping Carcroft clean 🚮

Some children from Crew Marsh explored the outdoor area of our School today. We spoke about the importance of litter picking but also making sure it is safe to do so. Some of them were quite shocked at how much they found but also quite impressed that they could all hold the huge pipe they found too! They did a great job and hopefully they spread their enthusiasm about keeping their environment safe to others in the community 👏

Carcroft Changemaker

Auditions have begun in Crew Mcloughlin – who has what it takes to be a Carcroft Changemaker? We had 8 children go head to head in a battle to win, simply by giving a one minute speech about why they would be good for the role. It all came down to that last vote, it was very close but we have our winner… Alicia.

Well done! I am sure you are going to exceed in your role as Carcroft Changemaker.

Caring crew in MI

We started to discuss our families in crew time this morning. First of all, we played a game of swap where we had to move places with others in the circle if we shared something the same. This included brothers, sisters and pets! We were then given different pictures that were cut up, we had to build the pictures thinking about what we could see and what was the same and different. From here we started to think about our own family, we drew them, described them and added words to describe their characters. We then shared our creations with our partners and then the whole crew. Our debrief involved us thinking about our role as a member of our crew. We discussed our ideas well and related lots of our discussions to our howls. A great start to the day in MI 🙂