Today we started to think about and understand why people stand up against injustice because of their religion. We started the lesson with a role play activity where we set up a bus style scenario. Children had to unpick where people were placed on the bus and possible reasons why. We then changed the places on the bus making some people stand. Again we thought about the reasons why and took ourselves back to our spring expedition. We then watched a re-enactment of the story of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery bus boycott. Once we had unpicked the clip and re-enacted the story in mini crews, we looked at some bible quotes and thought about how they related to the story and the meanings behind them.
We then worked with our partner to generate questions that we would ask the main characters from the clip. We thought about the characters feelings and motivations at the time, particularly why as a Christian, Rosa Parks felt it was important to stand up for her rights. We then took it in turns to be the characters in a hot seating activity.
Finally we worked in mini crews to create an interview with one of the characters but set in modern times, allowing the interviewees to reflect on the results of the Civil Rights Movement. A great final RE lesson in MI today 🙂