Football tournament 2/12/21

Today at Carcroft School we held our first football tournament. Well done to every one who played today, it was so lovely to see everyone playing sports again.

Well done Carcroft players you were great!

Special thanks to everyone who helped me organise the tournament!

Carcroft netball tournament 24.11.21

Wow! I am so impressed with how well Carcroft netball team have played this afternoon. Once we got the hang of it  we were well away with scoring.

Special shout out to Heidi! I love how well you know the rules and were telling other players what they can and cannot do. Excellent defending!

Overall we came 4/6, well done to all players!

Crew Marsh PE/maths lesson

In PE today, in smaller crews we had to use our PE skills and timetable skills to match the clue with the answer.

The winning team was: Chase, Reece, Shiloh, Alicia, Georgie, Ruby S, Jack, Kaleb and Keaton.

Crew Longley – Maths Week in PE

This week, we have been using our maths skills in our PE sessions. First, we have estimated, counted and comparing the number of each exercise we completed.

In our session with Coach Luke, we had to answer maths questions before moving onto the next station.