What a fantastic morning we had at KS2 sports day! We worked great as a team and supported each other in the different activities! Well done blue team on winning sports day! 🏆🥇

What a fantastic morning we had at KS2 sports day! We worked great as a team and supported each other in the different activities! Well done blue team on winning sports day! 🏆🥇
What a wonderful morning we’ve had as we took part in the Key stage 2 sports day. I had the pleasure of taking round a lovely brunch of children who were polite and respectful. They also tried their absolute best and we can’t ask for nothing more than that. Some great sportsmanship and even though we didn’t come first, we all put in 100%. Well done everyone!
Green Team had a FAB morning taking part in a variety of Sports Day activities this morning! Well done to all of those who took part and a MASSIVE well done to the Blue Team! 👏
Yellow Team 2 all enjoyed their sports day and had great fun completing the challenges set out for us! Everyone encouraged and supported each other in completing the different activities.
We’ve had a great morning doing sports day today. Well don Green team… bronze medalists.
Such a great morning enjoying sports day in KS2 🙂 Well done yellow team, you encouraged everyone in your team and tried your hardest in all the events.
We loved joining in with Danny Evans today, he worked us really hard and we loved hearing about how he became a basket baller.
A massive thank you to all of the children who helped to raise money for the event today. 💕
We have loved our morning with Danny Evans, learning all about his basketball career and enjoying a fitness circuit with him. 🏀