Book Talk in Crew Hamill

This week, Crew Hamill have delved deeper into the story of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We looked further at key vocabulary within the story and practised our skimming and scanning skills by finding them in a word search. We have had a big fluency focus this week and each day we have focused on a different element – pausing, pace, accuracy and expression/intonation. For book talk, we read through the text and focused on pausing at punctuation to ensure our reading made sense. We then text marked our section of the text, identifying vocabulary words, important parts, parts that were exciting and parts that we loved. Once we had completed this, we answered quick fire questions about what we had read. For our second book talk lesson, we focused on pace as we read, ensuring we were reading at an appropriate pace – not too fast or too slow. We then continued with our retrieval and fluency focus, answering questions – first guided and then paired – about what we had read.

Developing our fielding techniques!

In our rounders lesson, we have worked on developing our fielding techniques. We first practiced scooping up the ball two hands and then throwing it overarm back to the bowler. We then practiced some ball skills and worked on our catching. We noticed it was really important to keep an eye on the ball and watch it at all times. We then practiced the short barrier which helps us when fielding. We had to turn our foot sideways behind our hands to provide an extra protection so if we not grab it with our hands our foot will stop it. We then applied this in a mini game of rounders.

Demonstration comprehension in MI

Our entry ticket allowed us to work on our inference skills where we used a picture to answer questions. We really thought about the reasons for our answers and used the picture well to support us. We then read the next part of the text using a chorus read, independent read then a read around the robin. We tried to apply the skills we had been using all week- using the punctuation when reading along with expression. We explored the text as we read unpicking some of the vocabulary together. Next we moved onto our demonstration comprehension questions where Mrs McClare modelled her thought process in order to answer the questions. We were all so eager to voice the answers to the questions and used the text well to find the answers. We thought about the questions were asking us, comparing what, why and when questions. We had so many great answers and the excitement in our lesson today was fantastic. It was clear we had a good understanding of the text which was fantastic. Our exit ticket allowed us to think about the characters feelings where we wrote thought/speech bubbles for them. We then explained our answers explaining why we thought this.

Sports week!

This year we are launching a sports week, with lots of different sporting activities across the week.

Monday – We will have a GB/Olympic athlete visiting school and putting the children through their paces.

Tuesday – Nursery Sports day

Thursday – KS2 Sports day in the morning/ KS1 Sports day in the afternoon

Friday – Fun colour run in the late afternoon