Understanding Money

Crew Hamill have just begun their maths unit on money. Today, we focused on pounds and pence, identifying what each of the notes and coins that we use look like and discussing their value. We then worked in mini crews to create different amounts using imitation money which we loved! We couldn’t believe how real it looked! We also looked at groups of money and had to use our counting skills to work out the total amounts.

Getting Smart in Nursery

Today, in nursery, we looked at different sea shells and described how they felt. The children came up with lots of good adjectives like, bumpy, smooth, soft, hard, rough, spikey and white.

We also have been learning about number 1 and practicing our number formation in maths. We are getting smart at recognising numeral 1 and objects by themselves.

Time in MI

What an amazing maths lesson we had today! We explored a clock thinking about the minute and hour hands then looked at o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past. We showed different times on our clocks and also had a try at writing the time. We will continue to work on our time knowledge tomorrow where we will explore other time intervals.

Introducing ‘take away’

Today in maths, Crew MW have looked at what happens when we take away from a number. We did lots of practising with our tens frames and counters, and we worked out that when we take away, the number gets smaller! We started by making a number that Miss Welburn had given us on our tens frames, then taking away the amount that Miss Welburn said. We were all really good at using our subitising and number bond facts to say how many were left!

Next, we practised choosing our own numbers and making these using our treasure! Then our partners closed their eyes and we stole some of the treasure! Our partner had to work out how much of the treasure had been stolen using our number bonds facts.

Crew MW – Maths

We have been looking at adding more during maths. We started by acting out a ‘first, then, now’ story about a bus ride. Each time the bus stopped more people got on, we worked out how many we started off with at first, then we added either 1 or 2 people at a time, and finally worked out how many there were now.

We then used ten frames to represent a number using one colour of counters. Miss McGlone then told us how many more counters to add (in a different colour). We used the counters (both colours) to work out how many there were altogether.

Crew MW – Maths

In maths we have been discussing 2D and 3D shapes. We talked about the difference and how 2D shapes are flat, and 3D shapes are solid. We were introduced to the names of some 3D shapes and tried really hard to remember what they were!

We then worked as a group to sort out a selection of shapes into 2D shapes and 3D shapes. Some of us showed a great level of understanding by explaining the reasons why they had chosen whether a shape was 2D or 3D.