We have started our new unit on fractions this week so what better way to start than cutting Jaffa cakes into fractions and then getting to eat them?!? After we cut the Jaffa cakes we then used these to help find equivalent fractions. Yum!
TTRS Battle
This week, we competed in another TTRS batter. Lovely to see the children dressed up as Rockstars.
Repeating Patterns in Maths
Crew MW have been exploring repeating patterns this week in maths. We have copied patterns, continued patterns and made our own patterns using cubes, vehicles and natural resources around provision. We even challenged ourselves to spot the mistake in Miss Welburn’s patterns!
MI working hard on arithmetic gaps
Today we started to unpick our arithmetic test from last week, working on some of the questions we answered incorrectly.
Completing his maths . Well done Freddie
Role play
Our crew enjoyed playing shops this morning as our maths topic is money.
Mass in maths!
Crew MW have been exploring mass in maths today. We have been using our scales to weigh objects and compare which one is heavy and which one is light. We were really good at using our mathematical language to compare!
Maths in Crew MW!
This week, we have been grouping objects and talking about similarities and differences in maths! We’ve used our natural objects to create groups, and used the language, ‘more than’ and ‘less than’ to compare the groups.
Comparing and ordering fractions in Crew MI
This morning we worked really hard and have been exploring our fraction wall. At first we thought that the bigger then number, the bigger the fraction but we soon learnt that was not the case. Actually, the bigger the denominator, the smaller the fraction.
Numberock Maths
In Crew Pashley, we love listening and watching Numberock songs to help us with our Maths. This week, we have been learning to count by 10 and doubles through watching the Numberock videos! We are getting better at remembering lots of different number facts. Our favourite video is the doubles song below!