Exploring the events of WW2

Today we explored the time frames of WW2, we looked at key moments in history and developed our own timelines to record the key facts of WW2. This further developed our understanding of the time frame of WW2 challenging our thinking around our perceptions of a World War. It was surprising to discover that Hitler had died before the war was declared to be over. Declan then deceived to deepen his understanding of some key events by researching, independently.

Exploring WW2

Time Travel education came into school today and delivered a WW2 workshop that brought events of WW2 to life. We discovered the causes of WW2 and the homefront. We really enjoyed the experience and it helped to kick start our expedition and build on some of the concepts we have already started to explore in crew together.

WW2 workshop in MI

Time Travel education came into school today and delivered a WW2 workshop that introduced many concepts of WW2. The experience brought events of WW2 to life and children were able to handle a range of objects which we all loved. Children learnt about the causes of WW2, the homefront, The Blitz, kit, equipment and weapons, rationing and evacuees. We really enjoyed becoming shopkeepers where we learnt some of the foods that were rationed! We were shocked by some of our weekly allowances. This experience really helped to kick start our expedition and build on some of the concepts we have already started to explore in class together.

Being an evacuee for the day…

In Crew MI, we came to school dressed up as evacuees and participated in a range of exciting activities. First, we learnt about the blitz. We watched clips and listened to sound effects to imagine what it was like during this awful time. We even had a go at working in mini crews to create our own Anderson Shelters. Next, we learnt what evacuation was and why some children were evacuated to the safety of the countryside. We then became evacuees ourselves and packed our suitcases with what we thought we needed, decorated our train ticket and then got on the train waving goodbye to our families. Overall, we had a great day and learnt so many more interesting facts about life in WW2.

KS1 Fieldwork to Lincoln Castle

KS1 were hooked into their new expedition today with an amazing trip to Lincoln Castle.

We took part in 3 different workshops including shield making, knight training and even a walk on the castle walls. We even saw 2 fierce looking dragons who live in the castle.

The children maintained great HoWLs while at the castle and as we walked through the streets on Lincoln to get back on the coach. Great work KS1! We hope you all had a great day because we certainly did!

Please watch our video to find out everything we got up to today!



Today we took the opportunity to immerse ourselves in our expedition. Children came dressed up as evacuees which was lovely to see. The minute the sirens went off, we had to quickly build an Anderson Shelter to protect themselves from the bombs being dropped by the Germans.

Once we realised it was no longer safe, it was time to pack our suitcase and head off to the countryside.

The suitcases were packed and we then boarded the train so we could leave London and move to the countryside where we’ll be safe.

WW2 – Hook Week

This week we’ve started building some background knowledge about World War 2. We also put the main events into a timeline which took some great team work. Children had to consider days and months due to quite a few events happening in the same year. When we’d completed this, we used the timeline to help us create a knowledge organiser that highlights the key events and people.


To kick start our expedition, Upper Key Stage 2 were whisked off to the Milky Way within the amazing Wonderdome. We were able to fully immerse ourselves into our solar system, exploring each of the planets and learning in-depth information about the Sun, Earth and Moon. Matt, our space expert, was extremely knowledgable about all things space – past, present and future. We were able to discover that Earth is the only planet that humans can live on as it is in the habitable zone (also known as the Goldilocks zone) where the conditions – temperature, water and oxygen – are just right! We were also taught about the first astronauts to travel into space and land on the moon. Did you know there were THREE astronauts? Interestingly, it wasn’t just Neil Armstrong (the first man to step on the Moon) but it was also Buzz Aldrin, who walked on the Moon’s surface alongside Neil, and Michael Collins, who stayed in the space craft to keep it safe. We were excited to find out that there will be another attempt to travel to the Moon next year, with 4 new astronauts set to orbit the moon!

Visiting our Local Church

Year Two took a lovely scenic walk up to our local church at Owston to complete our first case study in Christianity. Along the way we ensured we were stewards of our local area and collected litter, we were praised by the public for our lovely manners and care to our community. When we arrived at the church we were excited to explore the grounds and noticed lots of old artefacts which dated back to 1086, Owston Church we discovered was also mentioned in the Doomsday Book. A fantastic piece of history, right on our doorstep!