Celebration of Learning🎉

During our celebration of learning, we were able to show our grown ups everything we have learnt during expedition this term. We shared our guiding question “Why should Doncaster remember the Romans?”. We then took it in turns to share what we had learnt in our 3 case studies (Geography, History and Science). Grown ups got the opportunity to look through our writing and expedition books to see our non-chronological report and diaries. We then shared our final product and had a browse through this. We are all really proud of how well this has turned out!

Case Study 2 reflection

Today, we completed our case study 2 reflection by adding our knowledge to a padlet. We added lots of important information to the padlet and the children were able to unpick the questions so they could add as much detail as possible. It was great to see how much the children had remembered and how engaged they was completing the reflection.

Types of Roman houses

In Expedition this afternoon, we discovered the 4 types of Roman houses. We found out they were roundhouse/huts, villas, insulea and Domus. Then, we looked at what each house was made out of. It ranged from mud and straw to marble and mosaic tiles. We discussed where we might find these types of houses and why some were used in the cities and others in the countryside.

Year 2 Nurse Visit

Today we were very lucky to have a visit from Nurse Welburn who is a children’s nurse in a hospital. She brought lots of equipment for us to look at and even showed us how to use it. The children asked her lots of questions and talked about their own experiences of visiting the hospital. We then did a carousel of activities including dressing up and colouring. Thank you to Nurse Welburn for coming to see us all.

Roman Towns – What were they and why?

In our expedition lessons this week, we have found out lots of information about Roman towns. We focussed on six Roman towns in England: Londinium, Eboracum, Viriconium, Isca Augusta, Deva, Aquae Sulius. We used a map to help us locate where the Romans settled in the United Kingdom and then identified the main uses for these towns.