Algorithm learning💻

In Crew Marsh, this afternoon we have learnt about algorithm’s – an algorithm is a set of instructions. We had to follow Miss Marsh’s instructions to get the same outcome.

We first looked to see if children got changed in the same order.

After that we came up with an algorithm for Lincoln to follow so he did get changed the same as Destiny.

We then followed instructions to dress the human the same.

Exploring Algorithms

Today is our computing lesson we explored what an algorithm is. We learnt that they are a set of instructions to help carry out a task.

We started by exploring getting dressed and how sometimes it matters which order we get dressed in for example tie and shirt and other times it doesn’t matter. We used paper dolls to practice writing and following our own algorithms to dress the doll.

Finally we ordered instructions for crossing the road and we decided we must do this in the correct order to stay safe.

Parts of a Computer 💻🖥️⌨️

Yesterday, Crew Hamill were learning about the different components of a computer. We were able to recognise and name the parts of a computer, using subject specific vocabulary: buttons, desktop, laptop, mouse, keyboard, computer and monitor. Following this, we used some computer software called Sketchpad to design a laptop, ensuring we created each of its individual parts – the screen, the keyboard and the mouse.

Computing 💻

This afternoon, we completed our computing lesson! The objective for our lesson was to recognise the parts of a computer. To be successful in this lesson we had to name the key parts of a computer, explain the purpose of different computer parts and explain that a keyboard contains lots of buttons. We then went onto Sketchpad and tried to create our own computer. We found some parts of this quite tricky such as drawing shapes and changing the colour but we were really resilient and showed high levels of determination to complete the task. We can’t wait to continue our learning in computing in the coming weeks.

Yorkshire Water Lego workshop 🧱

Last week, year 5 took part in a fantastic workshop which consolidated their learning on their autumn expedition and also their expedition around the water cycle last year. The children then worked in groups to create a Lego bot which they then programmed using a computer so it would move on its own to deliver much needed water supplies. The children really enjoyed this but it was also great to see them all grappling and working collaboratively.

Computing in Crew Boswell

This week we had lots of fun exploring how to insert sound clips using scratch. We recorded sounds and then coded these so that our sprites were saying or playing them. Some of us even challenged ourselves to put these in an order so that they played at different times.