LKS2 children loved the sun shine today and here is what we’ve been up to.

LKS2 children loved the sun shine today and here is what we’ve been up to.
Miss Marsh has treated LKS2 to their own boombox which allows us to listen to music during our break times! We certainly made the most of the sunshine this morning when we danced and sang to some of our favourite songs! Shout out to Sharni-Mae for her beautiful karaoke skills!
In our expedition lesson, we got creative and made some buns. We used a range of baking skills to make the vanilla buns! We had so much fun and can’t wait to bake the next dish tomorrow!
What an awesome morning we had taking part in sports day! We loved completing every activity and tried our hardest to do it to the best of our ability!
Lovely to see these children share their beautiful work 🙂
What a fantastic way to kick start our sport week with a GB Freestyler Kayaker! Becky Green inspired children this morning with her passion for kayaking, at such a young age she has achieved so much! Our children practised some key skills and exercises to get their bodies moving.
Today, we were very lucky to take part in a wonderful experience brought to us by M&M productions, The Jungle Book. Many of us knew the story of Mowgli and it was fantastic to see the story brought to life!
Well done to everyone who joined me this morning to showcase their beautiful work 🙂
In PE, we started our new unit fitness. Our aim was to understand how balance helps us in everyday life. To warm up, we played snakes and tunnels. When I shouted “snakes” we wiggled the ropes low to the ground. The children had to jump over the ropes. When I shouted “tunnels” we lifted the ropes up high. Children had to duck underneath the ropes. We then moved onto skills development and looked at balance in everyday life. In groups of 3, we had to complete an activity for 2 minutes and then swap over. The activities were skipping, lifting a hoop above our heads and then back to the floor, and stand on 1 foot whilst balancing a beanbag on our heads. We then looked at better balancing, and completed a range of activities. The first activity was standing in a line and standing on one foot. We passed the beanbag down the line and then hopped to join the end. We then had to reach the other side by lifting the hoop over their teammates head and placing it infront of them. They then had to jump back into the hoop. As part of the plenary, we discussed how we use balance in everyday life.
In maths, we have moved on to our new topic shape. We started off by looking at angles and turns. We practiced quarter turns, half turns, three quarter turns and full turns. We then practiced going clockwise and anti-clockwise. We then worked in pairs to practice turns.