TTRS battle in KS2

Our timestable rockstar day ended with quite the battle! Crews battled against each other to gather points in the hope their crew would make it to the final! There was great encouragement by all and it was lovely to see the improvements in our timestable knowledge! A big well done to everyone that took part 🙂 A big shout out to Crew Boswell who made it to the final! And to the 2 children who beat Mrs Ibbotson!

Scotty’s Heroes

This week’s session was enjoyed by all. The children started off playing games to get them warmed up which was evident when all their coats came off despite the cold weather.

They then had to work in pair to give each other instructions while one of them wore a blindfold. Have you ever tried walking in a straight line with your eyes closed? It’s not as easy as you’d think which was why clear communication between partners was vital.