Demo Comprehension

Yesterday, we had our demo comprehension lesson where the children have a guided session on how to answer questions. We looked at which key words would help us answer. After modelling a couple of questions, the children had an opportunity to answer 2 similar questions with their shoulder partner.

Divide by 6

In arithmetic this afternoon, we were learning how to divide by 6. We have found this a little tricky as we struggled to see how many groups of 6 we could make especially if there were some left over. We got some cubes out so we could physically group it into 6. We’ll continue to work on this in our next arithmetic lesson.

Narrative Sequence

We started our new writing unit today which will be a narrative based around the film Ice Age. The last narrative we completed was our best piece of writing so we’re excited to get started.

After watching the video, we worked together in mini crews to sequence the events. Then we spent some time chatting notices, feelings and actions.

Internet Safety Day

Yesterday it was Internet Safety Day which is a really important focus especially as most of us are online at some point.

In Crew, we discussed our favourite thing to do online and how to ensure we keep safe. We discussed scenarios of what to do if something happened such as someone being unkind via messages or a stranger adding them. We then identified who our trusted adults were so children knew who they could speak to if they felt unsafe or uncomfortable online.

Human and Physical features

Yesterday afternoon, we looked in more detail at the physical and human features of the UK. It was lovely seeing all the natural beauties we have in the UK. Once children has sorted them, we did a gallery walk to see if we agreed with the grouping of others.