Today we took ourselves out of our comfort zone and tried some new fruits including pineapple, avocado and passion fruit.
Today we took ourselves out of our comfort zone and tried some new fruits including pineapple, avocado and passion fruit.
Today we were lucky enough to be visited by cook stars. The children all took it in turns to make a portion of dirty fries. They all chopped, peeled and grated their own fresh ingredient and assembled their meal.
Crew Robson loved watching the Bob Marley Sing-a-Long in Crew this morning.
There were lots of children who were eager to join choir in KS2 next year and participate in Young Voices next year!
Yesterday the children in Crew Robson practiced their chopping, grating and spreading skills to make their very own pitta pizzas. They really impressed me with how they worked together to support each other. It was lovely to see them enjoying their fruits of their labour too! Great work Crew!
Last week 10 children from KS1 represented Carcroft at a basketball tournament at XP.
Archie even won a special medal.
Well done everyone!
The children in Year 2 have loved reading to some of the children in Crew Wilkinson. They are working hard to improve their fluency by reading each day. Keep up the great work everyone!
Today in KS1 we filmed and recorded our song and dance that will form part of our final product.
Geoff from XP came in with all his recording equipment and he is now going to start putting the video together for us. We are very excited to share it will you later in the term!
We were very lucky to have a visit today from a music expert. Mr Hull brought along more than 10 instruments which he entertained us with. We listened to different types of guitars, drums, wood wind instruments and even a harmonica!
We are very grateful that he took time out of his day to come and visit us. Hopefully he has inspired some children to take up an instrument!
Today we were scientists again and discussed what humans and animals need to survive. The children knew they needed food and water to survive and we also discussed the importance of air.
They produced lots of beautiful work. Well done everyone!