This week we have been learning about the different emergency services. We have looked at firefighters, policemen and doctors. Also, we discussed when we should or shouldn’t call 999.

This week we have been learning about the different emergency services. We have looked at firefighters, policemen and doctors. Also, we discussed when we should or shouldn’t call 999.
We made sure to wrap up warm for playtime today, we put our hats, gloves and coats on.
To fit with the weather we have had this past few days, we have been playing with the frozen water outside and using different tools to break up the ice. We then plated with the foam and cotton wool this morning and used it as snow. We enjoyed playing with the different textures and creating different pictures with the foam.
Today in Crew Pashley, for anti-bullying week, we discussed ‘friendly’ and ‘unfriendly’ behaviours and sorted these into the two groups. We talked about how these actions would make us feel!
This week we have begun our writing unit on the Three Little Pigs. We have been building different things in our building site area to hook us into our learning before we start writing next week.
We painted our hands different colours to make some handprints to turn into police men and firemen for our display.
Since half term, Crew Pashley has been writing about the Funnybones story. It is one of our favourite books to read as a crew. 📖Today, to start our second week of writing, we did a skeleton jigsaw hunt to engage us in our learning! 👀We searched all over the classroom then had to join the pieces together- we had to check we had all six pieces and that they were in the right places!
Ates loving the outdoors☔️