Leaning tower of feetza 👟🥿

This morning during crew, we worked as a team to build a tower using only our shoes. We decided that it would be best to put boots at the bottom because they are the heaviest and if they went on the top they would topple the tower over. Once we had put the boots at the base of our tower, we carefully added the other shoes to see how tall we could make it. There were a couple of times where it fell over but we showed great resilience and teamwork to build it back up again, sometimes in the same way, others in a different way to try something new. During our debrief, we talked about how we could have approached the challenge differently. We said that our tower would have been taller and stronger if we had more shoes and we also said that we could have worked a little slower to be even more careful when adding shoes to the top.

Great work Crew MW!

Silly to Calm 🧘🏻😌

Continuing with our work on feelings, today we looked at feeling excited. We talked about how feeling excited is a good feeling but sometimes, excitement can lead to feeling or being silly. In times where we might feel like this, there are lots of ways in which to calm down. We followed a song on YouTube this morning to go from silly to calm. Afterwards, we talked about how we were feeling – we said calm, happy, and peaceful.

Crew MW’s Library Visit 📚💕

On Friday, we celebrated Libraries Week by taking a trip to our school library. We each picked out a book and we showed it to the other members of our crew. We then decided which book we wanted to read in the library, chilling on the bean bags and cushions, as well as choosing a book to take back to the classroom with us. We absolutely LOVE going to the library! 📚

Crew MW’s School Trip!

What a wonderful day we’ve had at Austerfield! We started our day with an exciting bus journey where we drove through Doncaster and saw lots of new and exciting buildings including the Minster and train station and we even saw a police van!

When we got to Austerfield, we went on an adventure in the woods and collected lots of natural resources to create some artwork with in the afternoon. We explored the hills, the sand, the muddy puddles and the Christmas trees and we found lots of toadstools, berries and pine cones!

Then we enjoyed some delicious dinner!

After lunch, we used our natural resources to create some artwork and to make potions!

We had a lovely day, but we’re definitely ready for a sleep now!

Rainbow breathing 🌈🧘🏻

In Crew MW, we have been continuing to look at different feelings. This week we have looked at feeling angry. We talked about times we might feel angry and why we might have those feelings. We then discussed how rainbow breathing could help people who are feeling angry to feel calm and happy again. We followed the tutorial on the screen and we really enjoyed seeing each colour appear after each inhale and exhale.


This week in Crew MW, we have started to look at Case Study 2 in expedition – what can you see if you take a stroll in Autumn? We have started by looking at harvest! We learnt all about tractors and combine harvesters this morning and how farmers grow food throughout the year and in the Autumn, they begin to harvest it all for us to eat! We loved looking at all of the photographs from harvest, and we’re on the look out for farmers harvesting in the fields! I wonder if we will see any combine harvesters on the way to Austerfield on Thursday…🚜 We also loved playing in the tuff tray and talking about the animals and the jobs that the farmer would be doing on the farm – we even built some of our own farms in the small world area!

Building crew and working on our communication skills

In crew MW this morning, our crew worked together to play a game called ‘happy families’. We had to communicate with each other to find all of the family in our colour group. We found this a little bit tricky today as we had to use our words, rather than show each other our cards, but in our de-brief, we talked about what we could do differently next time. We can’t wait to play this game again in crew challenge to see if we can be even better at it!

Crew MW’s weekly library visit 📚

Crew MW took our weekly trip to the library last Wednesday. We enjoyed our milk and snack while we sat and read a story called ‘There’s a dragon in your book!’ by Tom Fletcher. We then voted between two stories to bring back to our classroom to read at story time the next day. We loved our trip to the library! 📚

RWI Workshops

Thank you to all of our parents who came and engaged in our Read, Write, Inc. workshops today and last week. We loved having you in to talk through how we are teaching your children to read and how you can help them at home! We’re looking forward to having you in to see some phonics in action this year!