Our mosaic art pieces are really coming together 🙂

Our mosaic art pieces are really coming together 🙂
We loved our warm up today in PE! It even developed into a team building challenge!
Today we started sketching out and creating our final draft for our mosaic. We are really enjoying creating our Easter cards 🙂 In maths we have been looking at lines of symmetry and symmetrical patterns and we are trying to apply our learning to our butterflies wings.
Our entry ticket allowed us to reflect on yesterdays lesson and what we learnt about Mauritius. We created our own flag using our knowledge. It was great to see how much we had remembered.
We then unpicked our new language and discussed which text marking symbols we would focus on as we read. We read independently and with our partners today and we also listened to Mrs McClare read the text focussing on expression and fluency. Our reasons to read allowed us to get practical, sorting statements into two categories. We worked in mini crews to read each statement and decide if it was a fact for Madagascar or a fact for Gabon. We then shared our facts as a whole crew 🙂 We then looked at another impressions question, using the text to support our ideas. We are becoming more confident when answering this type of questions.
Our exit ticket assessed our whole understanding of the texts we had read. We sorted our cards again but this time thinking about the order they appear in the text. We used the text too to help us do this.
Today we looked at symmetrical figures using a mirror line to reflect given shapes and patterns. We found this tricky at first, but after some practise in mini crews and as a whole crew, we were able to apply our knowledge to some questions. We really enjoyed our maths lesson today, some of us even achieved green standard! Fab work MI 🙂
We completed this challenge a few weeks ago and this week the roles were reversed so our partners got a chance to draw. We took part in the blind picture challenge 🙂 We really thought about our previous debrief and the feedback we gave to each other in order to make this challenge more successful. There was some great communication throughout the challenge where partners remained calm, giving instructions that would support partners to draw the picture effectively. A great crew session this morning 🙂
Firstly we recapped the techniques needed for mosaic art then we looked at and explored some of the images we will use as a stimulus for our own mosaic art pieces. We thought about which parts we needed to practise, which parts may be difficult to create and which equipment we may use. After modelling from the teacher on the different parts we started to apply to our practise paper. We then took part in a gallery walk thinking about what we could see, how other people’s work compares to our own, then we paired up with another crew member and offered some critique. Our exit ticket allowed us to think about what we would do differently next time when we complete the process again.
We started our lesson today with a knowledge recall on our new artist Antoni Gaudi. We then had another look at Gaudi’s work, thinking about the art technique that had been used. We compared two different pieces and thought about similarities and differences. We also offered some critique with praises, notices and wonders. We then looked at the different techniques needed in mosaic- the direct and indirect methods. We watched a clip to see this in action then we had a practice ourselves using Gaudi’s work as a stimulus. We recreated the piece of art work using the methods we had observed in the clip. We then evaluated the process thinking about which techniques were reasonably straightforward to use and which were more difficult. Our gallery walk allowed us to observe everyone’s work and offer some critique to a peer.
On Friday Crew MI and Crew Boswell started their next art slice 🙂 Our entry ticket allowed us to discuss our existing knowledge on mosaic, discussing when we have used mosaic before and what we did. We then looked at a range of different mosaics where we thought about what we could see and the patterns. We thought about how the mosaic had been created, the materials used and which ones we liked the most and why. Then we gave some of our own critique giving praises, notices and wonders for the different pieces. Next we were introduced to the artist we would study through this art slice- Antoni Gaudi. We watched different clips to build background knowledge then worked in mini crews to discuss and note down what we had learnt from the video. We created a whole class anchor chart using the facts we had learnt. From here we explored some of Gaudi’s work and where we can find it. We looked at the Sagrada Familia, learning that it is still to be finished! We discussed the following questions when exploring some of Gaudi’s work… What can you see? How does it make you feel? What techniques have been used? What was Gaudi trying to express? Our exit ticket allowed us all to voice 1 fact about Gaudi in our mini crew. We then shared this with someone from another mini crew then someone else in the room.