Egyptian workshop

We have had a fantastic day today meeting an Egyptian and doing a range of fun activities which have helped us develop our understanding of the Ancient Egyptian Civilisation. First, we watched a demonstration on how to mummify a body. Next, we got to handle and learn about a range of interesting Egyptian artefacts. After that, we had a question and answer session where we got to have all of our burning questions answered. Our favourite session was next where we got to play a couple of Egyptian board games. After lunch, we even got to build and Egyptian city and use ink to draw hieroglyphs on papyrus. As you can tell, it was a jam-packed day but we really enjoyed it and learnt so much in preparation for our next expedition.

Egyptian BBK with parents

This afternoon, parents came in to support the children in building their background knowledge on the Egyptians. We explored the Ancient Egyptian civilisation through the Children’s University of Manchester’s resources.

First Aid…

Today, we had a very exciting start to the term and kicked off hook week with a first aid course. We learnt about how to give CPR, check for dangers, call the emergency services, how to use a defibrillator and an epi-pen. We then talked in detail about what we had learnt and made suggestions for what we thought our guiding question for this next expedition would be.

Book talk continues in MI

Today we continued and finished our lesson from yesterday where we continued reading about famous inventors. We used a read around the robin today along with a chorus read. We then looked at our reasons to read.

Our entry ticket for todays lesson allowed us to work on our inference skills where we explored a picture. We thought about the girl in the picture and how she was feeling. We thought about who the characters were and what was happening in the picture. We explored the setting then thought about what the characters may be saying. There was lots of great discussion and thoughts expressed πŸ™‚ From here we recapped the vocabulary we had explored yesterday with another entry ticket reminding ourselves of word meaning. We then moved onto looking at some written questions and worked independently to do this.

Poetry in MI

On Friday Crew MI thought about Easter and what it means to Christians and what it means to us personally. We created an anchor chart all about Easter then put our ideas into a whole crew acrostic poem. We then created our own poems to go inside our Easter cards that we have created during our latest art slice πŸ™‚ We are looking forward to taking these home and sharing with our families.

Publishing our writing in MI

MI are really enjoying publishing their non chronological reports on tigers! They are loving seeing their writing come to life whilst adding their own title, sub headings and pictures to their work. We can’t wait to see them all completed later in the week πŸ™‚

Book talk in MI

Our entry ticket allowed us to think about the word inventor and what it means. We tried to think of any words that belong to this word family. We thought about the root word first and what it meant. Children thought about the word invent, inventing and invention. We shared our understanding of the word with the whole crew.

We then looked at some of the vocabulary that would appear in the text. Before we were introduced to the word class of each word, we discussed this with our partner. We also tried to put each word into context to help us gain a better understanding of what the words meant. As we read, we then text marked these words. We also tried to circle any other unfamiliar vocabulary and tried to think of one fact that we thought was really interesting. We placed an exclamation mark by this fact. We shared this with our partner then with the whole crew. Our reasons to read challenged our thinking πŸ™‚ We even voiced our own opinions on the invention of the telephone.

Tomorrow we will continue with our book talk session where we will read about Josephine Garis Cochrane, the lady who invented the dishwasher!