Independent writing in MI

Crew MI continue to blow me away with their writing. Children are trying so hard with their sentence structure and are really taking on board critique. We have all really enjoyed our first writing unit, children have produced their own narrative and have shown incredible progress throughout the cycle of writing.

Science continues in MI

Today we looked at and discussed the life cycle of a plant. We used a video clip to get us going then worked in mini crews on an activity to assess our knowledge of the clip. We then had a go at acting out the life cycle using the terms we had just looked at in mini crews. We then created a class anchor chart to show this. We have some great actors in MI!

Inverse maths in Crew MI

We have been working really hard to understand out fact families and how addition and subtraction are the inverse of each other. We used our special whiteboard to help us to understand the relationship between numbers. Finally we even played a game and created our own fact families.

Edit and redraft in MI

Wow, wow, wow! Crew MI have blown me away today in our writing lesson. Today we edited and redrafted two sections of our narrative. I am so proud of what we have achieved today and I can’t wait for our next lesson. We have really got smart by reflecting on our achievements and challenging ourselves to improve.