Setting description writing in MI

Yesterday we used all the chotting we created in our experience day on Monday to write our setting description on Thneedville, the town in the Lorax. We also learnt all about similes on Monday so we enjoyed applying our knowledge to our setting descriptions. We also applied everything we have been working on over the last few weeks, descriptive language and expanded noun phrases, conjunctions and some adverbials.

Role on the wall in MI

Today we thought about the Lorax’s appearance and personality. We worked in mini crews to build ideas together and then shared our ideas with the rest of the crew. We all had a go at writing an idea down and everyone shared one of their own. We will use our chotting after the holidays to create our own character description.

Celebrating libraries week in MI

Today MI discussed the importance of our school library. We thought about what our library has to offer. We had a game of library detectives where children found a variety of books… a book that makes them smile, a non fiction book, a history book and a book that interests them. Crew MI shared their choices with other members of the crew, explaining their reasons for their selections. They then selected a book they wanted to read or browse. They spent some quiet time just enjoying their book whilst Mrs McClare enjoyed time listening to every child read out loud. What a lovely end to our Monday afternoon.

Experience day in MI

Today MI started their next writing unit, setting and character descriptions around The Lorax. First we started watching the film and thought about how it links to our guiding question. We voiced our opinions on what we had seen and how it made us feel. We then re watched the song at the beginning of the film and thought about the lyrics. We looked closer at the pictures within the clip and used these to think about whether Thneedville is a good place to live. We then moved onto looking at what similes are, using examples to make similes accurate. From here we used different pictures of Thneedville to chot descriptive language and similes. We used the notice lense to support us. We then unpicked different setting descriptions thinking about the features used.