Today we explored a given text then used our comprehension skills to answer a range of questions. We used APE well for one of our questions, using evidence from the text to back up our answer.

Today we explored a given text then used our comprehension skills to answer a range of questions. We used APE well for one of our questions, using evidence from the text to back up our answer.
A fantastic maths lesson in MI today 🙂 First we consolidated our learning from last week on perimeter and then we learnt how we find the area of a 2D shape by either counting squares or by using a given formula. We even looked at how we find a missing side when we already know the area. Well done everyone 🙂
Today we discussed that tomorrow is safer internet day so we spent our crew session today thinking about safety in school, the playground and then in the community. We discussed our ideas in mini crews and then as a whole crew. We added some of our ideas to an anchor chart that we have displayed in our classroom.
Crew MI have been working really hard this week consolidating their knowledge on place value, arithmetic and shape. Drip feeding this every day is really helping us to remember.
Over the last two days, we have watched a clip about a man who loves beans. In fact, he loves them so much he got a job at the beans factory. The clip showed his journey through life: getting, married, having twins and inventing new cans for different occasions (beans for one, beans for two, snack). We then developed our inference skills and acted out the scenes from the clip- sharing our ideas and what we thought the characters were thinking and feeling.
MI have been super busy creating their own story for the year 1 children. We are all so proud of the story we have created and well done to everyone in MI for contributing 🙂 Here it is…
Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess called Abby. She had long blonde hair that looked like locks of gold. Her stunning blue eyes sparkled like diamonds and hypnotised anyone who came in front of her. Her kind and caring personality made her popular and her huge heart made her the most wonderful person ever! Rick had emerald green eyes but he was a poor man and struggled to survive. His hair was brown with hints of blonde and he longed to find his true love. His heart was sad because he had no other family.
One day the princess was taking a stroll around the majestic lake when she came across a hideous, evil witch! All of a sudden, the witch grabbed the princess and dragged her into the forest. As they got deeper and deeper into the forest, the princess saw a dark cave in front of her. There was a dangerous shadow all around and she knew she was in trouble. The witch threw her into the cave and placed a spell on her meaning she couldn’t escape.
“Hahaha I have you now and you won’t ever escape!“ Cackled the witch in the scariest voice.
“Please let me go, I need to get back to my family.” Replied the Princess, crying as she spoke.
A couple of days passed and Rick was busy chopping wood in the forest for his fire. Suddenly, there in front of him was an old lady who came over and spoke. She explained she had heard voices in the forest and wanted him to help. As the two walked deeper into the forest they heard a scream.
“What do you think that is?” Called the lady.
“I don’t know but let’s go and find out,” The man replied.
The two bolted as fast as lightning and came to the entrance of the cave. There in front of them was the disgusting figure of the witch. As quick as a flash the lady and witch started to battle against each other. Their long, sharp swords kept crashing against each others until the lady voiced a spell and this turned the witch into tiny particles that shot like a bullet into the sword. The witch was now trapped forever.
The princess was also still trapped. Rick tried hard to break her free but the iron bars were just too strong. Rick looked into her eyes and knew he had fallen in love. The lady pointed her magical wand at the bars and soon the bars turned to ice. Another spell happened and suddenly the ice burned! The princess was now free!
Rick shouted, “Princess, will you marry me?”
“Yes I would love to,” She replied. “You have saved my life!”
The princess and Rick ran off into the sunset, making their way back to the Princess’ castle. They lived happily ever after together.
Today in reading we completed two entry tickets that allowed us to reflect on the previous stories we had read and then make predictions on the next story by using the title. We tried to make links to our current expedition and thought about what we already know about Africa. We then explored our new vocabulary, the language we would come across when reading our new story. We worked well in mini crews to do this. We then used a partner read and echo read when reading the text outloud. We text marked our new vocabulary as we read. We then moved onto some book talk questions where we use APE well to answer our impression question. We used evidence from the text to build our answer then made sure we linked our ideas back to the question. We are trying really hard in our reading sessions and our confidence is growing 🙂 Our exit ticket allowed us to think about what we thought is going to happen when the character is hunting. We even tried to explain our answers.
Today we used our chotting from yesterday to complete a shared write and then we wrote the first chunk of PP2. We used some great similes to describe our feelings aswell as the thunder and lightning. A great writing lesson today in MI 🙂
Our crew check in this morning really got us thinking… Which of the characters would you like to be and why? Some very interesting discussions!! We have then been working on our own crew story for the year 1 children. We are creating a new story that we will share with Crew Marsh at the end of the week! We have tried to include some of the writing features we have been working on- descriptive language, conjunctions, adverbials and similes 🙂 Our imaginations run wild when we got creative! We have defiantly made a great start this morning and can’t wait to finish it in crew tomorrow.
Today we continued to work on calculating the perimeter in our maths lesson 🙂 We even moved onto some reasoning and problem solving questions which was fantastic to see.
In magic maths we worked really hard chanting our times tables and then worked on rockstars to continue to work on the pace of our times tables. We also consolidated our learning from last week looking at ordering numbers from smallest to largest and from largest to smallest. A great start to the day in MI 🙂