Today we practised using fronted adverbials. We also tried to to consolidate our learning from yesterday by using a coordinating conjunction to extend our idea.

Today we practised using fronted adverbials. We also tried to to consolidate our learning from yesterday by using a coordinating conjunction to extend our idea.
The activate to our expedition lesson today allowed us to recap the human body by making a skeleton. We did this in hook week and it was incredible to see how much quicker we had got today and how much we had remembered!
From here we discussed the differences between vertebrates and invertebrates where we did lots of reading out loud. We played fastest finger first and did lots of discussion! Some of the facts really surprised us when reading. We then explored the types of skeletons linking these to vertebrates and invertebrates. We did some partner reading, echo reading and also some independent reading. We then tested our understanding so far with a quick quiz! We all enjoyed this.
From here we worked in mini crews to sort animals into the two groupings- vertebrates and invertebrates. We discussed our ideas and explained our reasons. We then moved onto the human skeleton, we looked at scientific names for our bones, explored how many bones an adult human skeleton has and looked at what a skeleton does. We linked our skeleton to the digestive process, thinking about the organs that are protected by our bones. From here we discussed our muscles, we even had a go at contracting and relaxing our biceps and triceps! Tomorrow we will assess our understanding with a kahoot quiz!
Dividing by 10 and 100…
We are doing lots of reading fluency in our reading lessons. We are continuing to work on our words per minute where we use timers daily to practise. We then answer 3 questions based on gaps from our Autumn assessments and daily written comprehension. We are already showing improvements.
We now have different activities that we work on daily. We move around each day looking at a different activity that will hopefully continue to improve our timestables. Our focus this week is the 9 times table. We are enjoying using the timestable stick to support us 🙂
Today we looked at what makes humans special and we explored humanist beliefs. We watched a range of video clips to build background knowledge and discussed our own ideas and opinions on each. We discussed the key beliefs of humanists explained in the video clips. We then thought about what we think is inside a human and created an anchor chart. We thought about what makes us happy and what makes us feel important. We worked in mini crews to discuss our ideas. We then explored the symbol below thinking about why it may be chosen and what it suggests about humanist beliefs. Lots of great discussion today 🙂
It was great to see so many grown ups join us for our family learning last week. We learning about the teeth, made a model with marshmallows before building the digestive system using play dough. It was great hearing the children teach their parents about the different types of teeth and how the digestive system works. And of course, we ended with a Kahoot quiz which showcased everything we had learned during the week.
Yesterday we recapped the units of measure then really focussed on mm’s and cm’s. By the end of the lesson we could all use a ruler accurately to measure in both mm’s and cm’s and we could draw a variety of lines. We looked at both whole cm’s and also other increments. We checked our partners work too, giving critique where errors had been made.
Today we started our writing unit where we found out that we would be writing a narrative as a piece of food! Our narrative will be based on the journey of digestion. We built further background knowledge to start with by watching clips on the process of digestion. We referred back to hook which to support our discussions. We shared facts in mini crews then as a whole crew and created an anchor chart. We then thought about the features our a narrative and which we may use in our own story. We looked at a model text which involved lots of giggles! Here we referred back to the purpose of our writing where we need to ensure we entertain the reader. We text marked with our partner and there were so many opportunities today to practise our own reading fluency. Mrs McClare used timers to focus on our words per minute. When reading the text, we found the narrative features and thought about why they were used. From here we explored some other examples, these were from Y4 children in other schools. We offered praises, notices and wonders in relation to the features and how the pieces looked. Again we read out loud with our partner and text marked as we read. We then shared our ideas with the whole crew. We have really enjoyed our lesson today, a great start to our Monday 🙂