Crew Marsh – Music

We started our lesson again with our pitch pencils warm-up and this time we went BIG with some of our magical noisy pictures!

After we recapped our composer, we talked about what we had worked on in our previous lesson. We remembered that our piece of music was called ‘Dawn’ and that it used different instruments to create different sounding music for sea birds, ocean spray and ocean waves. We listened to the piece, adding actions for each of the musical ideas.

We then thought about signals and actions for things you might do at the beach. We had to listen carefully as Miss McGlone played different instruments and we had to recognise the action that matched the instrument.

We finished off the lesson by learning an action song called ‘Down by the bay’.

Crew Marsh – Music

We began by warming up our voices using our ‘pitch pencils’. Pitch pencils draw magical noisy pictures in the air. When the pitch pencils move up and down, your voice does too! We copied Miss McGlone’s picture before having a go at creating our own.

We were then introduced to our new focus piece of music – ‘Dawn’ by Benjamin Britten. We discussed that Benjamin was an English composer and he lived in a small seaside town called Aldeburgh. He liked to walk by the sea every morning and lots of the music he wrote was inspired by the sea, just like the piece we are working on!

We listened to a performance of the piece by the London Symphony Orchestra and discussed how the piece made us feel. We then talked about how different instruments were used to create different representations of different musical ideas – the sound of sea birds, ocean spray and big crashing waves. We decided on actions that we could use to show each of these musical ideas and when listening to the piece again, we changed our actions depending on what we could hear being represented. We then noticed that at times, the ideas were performed at the same time so we had to make the decision which one we wanted to represent using our actions. We looked at a listening map to see the structure of the music.

KS1 Art Exhibition

Thank you so much to everyone who came to our celebration of learning after school tonight. It was amazing to see the children sharing their beautiful work with their friends and families. They have worked so hard over the past term and loved our ‘Blue Planet’ expedition. We hope you all have a lovely Easter and we look forward to welcoming you back soon. KS1 Crew x

Tom’s Dad has gone missing!📰

When we got in from break today we heard our classroom door make a strange noise, we had been delivered a newspaper that told us the great explorer (Tom’s Dad) had gone missing in North Pole.

We decided that we wanted to help, so we all wrote our own newspaper describing what Tom’s Dad looked like and where he had gone missing. We then told the rest of the school about this by posting it under their classroom doors.