The lost toy dance

In our PE lesson we have enjoyed creating our own dance thinking about toys in a toy box. We have got very good at counting in our heads to make sure we are all in time and doing it together.

Celebrating our HoWLs

Crew Marsh laughed and bounced their way through the inflatable course and slide. We work so hard to ensure our HoWLs are of a high standard and look forward to celebrating our achievements in such a fun way! Crew doesn’t stop when we’re having fun, the children worked together as a team offering praise and encouragement to their peers who found it tricky! Especially Miss Holdsworth, she needed the crew to help her reach the top of the slide and everyone’s resilience paid off! It was such great fun!

Our tower – where are the leaves coming from?

Today we experienced the next part of our book and looked at what we saw out of our tower, we could see lots of leaves blowing from the park that is on the out skirts of the grey, dull city. We watched them blow passed us and created our own green leaf. We then made a pack lunch to take with us on our adventure to find where the leaves were coming from. We enjoyed our jam sandwich outside under the tree.

Crew Marsh – Music

We finished our unit on ‘Musical Conversations’ by creating whole class written notations to allow us to work in small groups using untuned percussion instruments to perfect a musical conversation. We worked really hard to ensure that everyone had a role, we even made amendments to the notations for those groups that had more/less children in them.

Our tower

Today we started our new book in writing called “Our Tower”, the book started with a girl who was walking through a tall, grey and dingy city. She did not feel very happy and it was raining so she was soaked!

We experienced the miserable weather and built our own skyscrapers for our own city. We especially worked on our adjectives in todays lesson to help us to describe what we could see.

Expert Visitor in KS1

We were very lucky to be visited today by Geoff who works at XP. He came to show us his drone and talk about how he can use it to take aeriel photographs from high up in the sky. Unfortunately it was just too wet and windy for us to go outside and flying the drone but Geoff has promised to come back on a nice sunny day so we can see the drone flying and try and spot some landmarks in Carcroft.

Crew Marsh – Music

We began our new unit of music ‘Musical Conversations’ by listening to a piece of music called ‘Dueling banjos’. We talked about what we noticed was happening in the music and decided it sounded like the instruments were talking to each other and having a conversation. We then got into a circle and using the box of instruments in the middle, two people had a conversation with an instrument of their choice. We thought that we needed to set some rules for the people with the instruments. 1) take turns, 2) you can’t play at the same time, 3) you can play what you like, for as long as you like. We then swapped so everyone had a turn to have a musical conversation with a friend.

We then split into pairs and had our own personal musical conversations only this time, we were thinking about how we might represent different emotions within our conversations (e.g. having an argument, being silly, being happy, being shy etc). Once finished, we then shared some of our conversations with the rest of the class and we had to guess the emotion we thought they were showing.