To end our week of kindness crew Marsh took theirs kindness stones and books to the local woods for children in the community to find and take home to read. We hope it has put a smile on a lot of families faces.

To end our week of kindness crew Marsh took theirs kindness stones and books to the local woods for children in the community to find and take home to read. We hope it has put a smile on a lot of families faces.
Today I had the pleasure of spending an hour with Crew Marsh during their first English lesson. They listened again to the Rainbow Fish story and talked about how this linked to our ‘be kind’ HoWLs. Then they completed some activities linked to their ‘be kind’ story to help them to really understand the importance of being kind in Crew Marsh and how being unkind can make people feel.
I was blown away by the way they all concentrated throughout the lesson. They carefully watched Miss Marsh model sentence writing and then had a go. I cannot believe how amazing they did. I also loved seeing the children work independently in their labs creating their fish.
Ready for our walk on Friday we have started to create kindness gifts to put a smile on someone’s face in the community, who might find them. We loved making our kindness stone, we made it look like a rainbow fish linking to our story.
In Crew Marsh we read and unpicked the book Rainbow fish, we learnt that the fish was not kind at the start of the book but became kind towards the end. We linked this to our be kind Howls. Then the children created their own rainbow fish which is going to go in our crew kindness fish tank. All children did an amazing job at describing their rainbow fish with an adjective.
Don’t forget to come along to the KS1 reading cafe tomorrow at 3pm to share a story with your child. Hope to see you all there!