We loved having our reading cafe again this week, it is every Thursday at 3pm.

We loved having our reading cafe again this week, it is every Thursday at 3pm.
Today we have learnt how to be safe around fire. The main thing we learnt and practised was being able to stop, drop and roll if any items of clothing caught fire.
This afternoon we completed our first Kahoot quiz to see who knew the most about a firefighter. Crew Marsh loved the interactive quiz using the iPads!
We loved our teamwork session with Scottie’s heroes!
After building our houses yesterday, today we recreated the Great Fire of London. We all sat and watched how quickly the fire moved from one house to the next so quickly – it only took 30 minutes to burn down all of the buildings, like the 3 days it took for the Great Fire of London. We spoke about what language we could use in our writing such as fire, smoke, spreading, roaring, burning.
KS1 strengthened their crews last week by having a real focus on Crew, what does it mean to us and the wider community. Our guiding questions were, ‘How does what I do, impact others?’ and ‘Does crew stop at the school gates?’. With this in mind you’ll have noticed in our blogs last week that we delivered books and kindness stones to the local community to show kindness and care. Well…….. we were so excited to see that some of these have been found and brought joy to other children outside of our school community. The children were so excited to see this in morning crew today 😊
It has been so lovely to welcome parents in to our KS1 crews this afternoon. We have worked collaboratively with our parents to create the houses on Pudding Lane, including the bakery where the infamous blaze began. Keep your eyes peeled for our next exciting experience lesson where we will use our houses to rein-act historic event.
In maths today we got used to what our magic maths learning looked liked. I was blown away with how much the children achieved with their adding skills. Well done!
Today in our experience lesson we made bread in the bakery, the first stop of the Great fire of London.
From all our hard work this week in labs and experience lessons we have created a rainbow fish and jellyfish to go in our fish tank.