Exploring the work of Dennis Creffield 🖼️

Today we explored the work of Dennis Creffield. Dennis was a British Artist, in 1985 he was asked to draw every cathedral in England. To do this he used charcoal. We looked at how charcoal was created which linked to our case study on Firefighters. We began to create artwork in the style of Dennis Creffield by drawing our school. We used Austins butterfly to critique our work and improve it. We can’t wait to share our next draft.

Little Red Riding Hood – What did she see?👀👩‍🦰🐺🌳☀️

During todays writing lesson the children were thinking about how Little Red Riding Hood traveled to see her Grandma and what she might have seen during her journey. They used their phonics skills to write the words and used small world figures and blocks to create the cottages. There was lots of great vocabulary during this activity which enabled the children to create brilliant sentences! What a great lesson we’ve had today ✍️

Show and tell crew 💕

KS1 have decided that every Friday we want to hold and show and tell crew where children can share something from outside of school with their crew. It’s a great opportunity for us to get to know each other better and practise our speaking and listening skills.

What do Christians believe about God?

Today in KS1, we continued exploring what Christians believe about God. We played a game of ‘I spy’ to deepen our understanding about the christian faith and how this is represented in different artefacts. This led to some brilliant discussions around the Christian faith and why crosses, bibles and angels are important. Leyland was able to tell us that the bible is a book of stories which helps us understand the acts of Jesus and God.