Year 1 music – using untuned percussion instruments to keep the rhythm 🥁 🎶

In Year 1, we have added untuned percussion instruments to the song we have been learning ‘The Menu Song’. We listened carefully to instructions and found the beat to the song and first showed this by clapping our hands in time. We then moved on to finding the beat with the percussion instruments, and we even pushed ourselves to try singing at the same time! It was tricky, but we are already looking forward to practising again next week and getting even better! ✨

Crew Marsh get Arty 👩‍🎨

During our writing lesson, some children access labs of learning to enhance their knowledge of vocabulary which they then use in their pieces of writing. Today the children were shown how to use the iPads to access a QR code which then led to a step by step video teaching them how to draw Little Red Riding Hood. The children worked in pairs to do this and all worked extremely hard to use these new skills and produced a great piece of art work!

We saw the big, bad wolf!

We went on a walk today to visit Granny and take her a basket of fruit and just like Little Red Riding Hood we met the big, bad wolf hiding in the trees! Afterwards we talked about what we saw and heard in the woods and how we felt when we saw such a ferocious wolf. We can now use all these ideas in our writing tomorrow!