To finish our current music unit ‘Football’, we identified the notes E, D and C on the glockenspiels. We worked with a partner to play a selection of 4 beat pieces of music. We then added our ‘Football’ chant lyrics and created a backing track using the notes E, D and C.
Food chains 🌱🐰🦊
In our science lesson, we have learnt about food chains and looked at who eats who.
We learnt that at the start of the food chain it is called a producer, because it produces food.
The next animal is called a consumer, this is the first animal that eats the producer.
We were super at creating our food chains in the correct order of energy moving!
Crew Marsh – Music 🎵✨
We have been continuing with our work on ‘Football’. This lesson we created word patterns using different sports and put these to the same melody and beat of ‘Football’. We practised the new chants we had created before adding in untuned percussion instruments.
Algorithm learning💻
In Crew Marsh, this afternoon we have learnt about algorithm’s – an algorithm is a set of instructions. We had to follow Miss Marsh’s instructions to get the same outcome.
We first looked to see if children got changed in the same order.
After that we came up with an algorithm for Lincoln to follow so he did get changed the same as Destiny.
We then followed instructions to dress the human the same.
Handa’s bananas 🍌🐒
Today we made bananas for our experience lesson, when Handa started walking to her friend Akeyo she walked past a tall tree which had a cheeky monkey in it, who pinched Handa’s bananana!!
We tried really hard at balancing our banana on our head just like Handa does. Look at our balancing!
Crew MI storytelling in Crew Marsh
Last week, in storytelling week, Crew MI wrote a story which, this morning, they shared with Crew Marsh. All the children really enjoyed it. Well done to children who had the courage to stand up and read- you read so fluently and with expression. Super proud of you all.
Comparing Africa with the UK
In today’s geography lesson we compared different places in the Uk with places in Africa, we looked at Zanzibar, Madagascar and Johannesburg. We were very good at looking at the similarities and differences with Beeley, London and Skegness.
We noticed Madagascar and Beeley were similar because they both had trees and grass but Madagascar did not buildings.
E-Safety Day
Inspiring change 🌎 making a difference and a positive difference to the online world 🌎
Reptile Rendezvous in KS1
Today KS1 had lots of special visitors. Lucan from Reptile Rendezvous brought in lots of different animals for us to learn about and we were even luck enough to hold and feed them too!