Building our own castles

We became designers in our expedition lesson. We followed Miss Marsh’s instructions carefully to make our castles, then once they were finished we tested their strength using tennis balls.

We came to the conclusion that paper is not a suitable material for a castle and that stone is better because it is much stronger to withstand an attack from an enemy.


In Crew Marsh we have been looking at different materials. We organised them into different categories – wood, metal, fabric, glass and plastic. We then spoke about what properties each material had. We applied this to our castle learning and thought about what material we would want to use to build a castle – we voted for metal.

Rainbow fish

Last week we looked at how to be kind, we did this through the rainbow fish book. We looked at how rainbow fish wasn’t kind to begin with but then ended up being kind in the end and this made him feel happy. We created our own kindness fish tank to remind us to always be kind. We looked at ordering the story and verbally answering questions about what we had read.


This week in Crew Marsh we have gone right back to basics and unpicked what a letter, word and sentence is. The children were fab at comparing these and understanding how letters make words and words make sentences.

KS1 Fieldwork to Lincoln Castle

KS1 were hooked into their new expedition today with an amazing trip to Lincoln Castle.

We took part in 3 different workshops including shield making, knight training and even a walk on the castle walls. We even saw 2 fierce looking dragons who live in the castle.

The children maintained great HoWLs while at the castle and as we walked through the streets on Lincoln to get back on the coach. Great work KS1! We hope you all had a great day because we certainly did!

Please watch our video to find out everything we got up to today!