P.E in Crew Marsh

Today the children were learning to balance when jumping from 2 feet to 2 feet or 2 feet to 1 foot and then they smashed jumping from 2 feet, half a turn and then land on 2 feet .

Expert Music Visitor

We were very lucky to have a visit today from a music expert. Mr Hull brought along more than 10 instruments which he entertained us with. We listened to different types of guitars, drums, wood wind instruments and even a harmonica!

We are very grateful that he took time out of his day to come and visit us. Hopefully he has inspired some children to take up an instrument!

Family Learning

This afternoon we kicked off our spring term expedition with a great family learning session.

We used our art skills to produce some amazing pointillism fruit which will be displayed in our classrooms.

I wonder if you can guess what our new expedition is all about?