In our arithmetic session today, Crew Hamill have been focusing on one of our gaps in learning that we identified from last week’s arithmetic test. We looked at multiplying 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers and recapped how to do this using the column method. Some of us even moved on to 3 digit by 1 digit!
Telling the Time – 5 minute intervals
Today, Crew Hamill pushed their learning of time to the next level by focusing on the 5 minute intervals on an analogue clock. We practised our 5 times tables to ensure we were secure in counting in 5s and then repeated this up to 60 as there are 60 minutes in an hour. We focused on the blue hand being our minute hand and the red hand being our hour hand and used this to show different times using the 5 minute intervals.
Scotty’s Heroes
Today, Crew Hamill learned how to take part in a patrol. We discussed that this was about walking together, with a shared mission, but keeping far enough apart to protect others in our patrol team and ensure we weren’t being followed. We then had to patrol through our outdoor area and hunt for objects that had been hidden around. This meant we had to use our observational skills and really concentrate on the patrol we were taking as some of them were extremely tricky to spot! A big shout out to Taylor for earning Scotty’s Hero for this week!
Telling The Time
Crew Hamill began their new maths unit yesterday, focusing on telling the time! To get us started, we did some practical work looking at o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. We began by discussing what an analogue clock is and where we might see them in every day life. We then looked at the different hands and what each of them represented. Following this, we used our individual clocks to show different times. We began with o’clock times, understanding that the minute hand will always be on the 12. Then we looked at half past, with the minute hand being on the 6, half way around the clock. To end the lesson, we pushed ourselves to look at quarter past and quarter to.
Poetry – Book Talk
Over the last two weeks, Crew Hamill has focused on poetry for their reading lessons. We have looked at two poems that are linked to our expedition learning – Chocolate Cake by Michael Rosen and the Augustus Gloop song from Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. We have done a lot of discussion on what a poem is and identified the different features. We have then had a heavy focus on inference, really testing our skills of pulling information out of a text and using clues within it to answer questions about thoughts and feelings. We have then worked in pairs to answer inference questions about the characters. We cannot wait to apply these skills to our demonstration comprehension questions and written comprehension next week.
Two Way Tables
In our final statistics lesson, Crew Hamill worked on reading data from tables and inputting missing data. We looked at a range of different questions in mini crews in which we had to use tables of data to identify values. These questions involved addition and subtraction too so we were able to recap our written methods.
Bar Charts
To complete our statistics unit in maths, Crew Hamill began by learning how to interpret bar charts. We looked at what a bar chart was and worked as a crew to discuss what different bar charts were illustrating. We then worked in mini crews to answer questions on what the bar charts were showing us. After this, we used the information we gathered when completing pictograms and this time illustrated the data in our own bar charts.
Experience Lesson – Information Gathering
Today in writing, Crew Hamill gathered as much information as possible about Ancient Maya in order to have the facts we need for our double-page, non-chronological reports. We watched several videos that were full of interesting and detailed facts about the Maya civilisation and then used picture and word prompts to detail these notes, ready for our writing lessons. We found out lots that we were able to add to the knowledge we already had after our history case study. We’re going to come together to chot down as much as possible in our next lesson so that we have plenty to include in our reports.
Drawing pictograms
Crew Hamill had so much fun in maths today when we worked as a crew to gather data about all of our favourite things. We then used this data to create pictograms that illustrated our findings. We talked about the key and which pictures and values would be best to represent our data. After we’d done a couple together, we then worked on gathering our own data and producing our own pictograms.
Book Talk – Poetry
This week, Crew Hamill have started something new in reading – poetry! We have looked at the famous poem by Michael Rosen: I love chocolate cake. We have started with an extract of this poem that details his love of chocolate cake as a result of having chocolate cake for tea as a little boy. He talks about a time he had chocolate cake for tea and then crept downstairs for leftovers without wanting to be caught by his mum and dad. We can’t wait to read the next extract to see if he gets away with it or not! We began by text marking the poem, highlighting key vocabulary, interesting parts and things we loved or thought were important. After this, we used our inference and retrieval skills to answer a number of questions about what had happened in the extract. We have also had several opportunities to read aloud, focusing on pausing and pace. Today, we also watched Michael Rosen himself re-telling his poem and made notices about his expression, both in his voice and in his face. We then used this to perform part of the poems ourself!