Does light travel in a straight line?💡🔦

This afternoon Crew Hamill and Crew Thompson worked together to complete an investigation. First, we made a prediction about how light travels. We then used torches and string to see how light travels. We found out that light travels in a straight line and doesn’t bend round objects. We are going to continue our investigations over the next few weeks and can’t wait to find out more about light.

French – Crew Hamill, Crew Thompson and Crew Mcloughlin 🇫🇷

During French, we have been looking at ways to communicate feelings. We looked at the new vocabulary before playing a number of different games to try and better our understanding. First, we played ‘Thumbs Up’ which involved us working with a partner to hide gestures representing each feeling ‘I am good, I am very good, I am sad, I am very sad, and neither good nor bad’. Our partner had to guess, in French, which gesture they thought we were hiding behind our back before it was revealed to us! We then played a game of ‘Captions’ where we had to listen carefully to the phrase that Miss McGlone said. We then had to choose the correct picture from around the room to go and stand by that we thought was the matching image to the phrase. To finish our lesson, we had a go at applying all of our knowledge so far in the form of a conversation.

In Crew Mcloughlin, we deepened our understanding of feelings in French by working with a partner to practice our pronunciation. One person pronounced one of our new phrases whilst the other drew the matching face. If the face was correct, the drawer got a point. If it was incorrect, the speaker stole the point for themselves!

A Roman’s Daily Life!

During our experience lesson, we had the opportunity to delve further into the daily life of a Roman soldier.

Crew Hamill and Crew Thompson came together to create a larger army unit and we used our role play skills to act out the main duties of a Roman soldier – a morning parade, a smaller march in mini crews to see who could march in unison the best and we split into groups to role play the individual Roman duties such as cleaning the latrines and guard duty! Can you guess from our pictures who was in charge of cleaning the latrines?!

Crew Hamill and Crew Thompson – Music 🎶

This week we had a snapshot lesson – a lesson in the middle of the unit to assess how well we can apply the skills we have worked on so far to another piece of music. We began by looking at the length of phrases within the song and worked on finding a beat using body percussion (tapping knees and shoulders). We then looked at each of the words, practised saying the words first before adding the melody and thinking about the pitch of each note. Once we confident in this, we then moved on to combining all the elements and began to sing in unison trying to get the correct notes. As a challenge, we then turned the song into a call-and-response song (just like the song we are looking at during this unit – I’ve Been to Harlem). We split into 2 groups and practised where group 1 started singing the song before group 2 started singing. It worked extremely well and sounded lovely once we had mastered it!

During recorders, we were introduced to the note A. We looked at where we need to place our fingers before practising call-and-response style activities with Miss McGlone, playing different rhythms of the note A. We then took our new knowledge and played a piece called ‘Amazing Aeroplane’. Some people were even brave enough to place the piece on their own in front of the rest of their crew, with praise and wonders being given after their performance! ✨

Roman Writers

We have worked extremely hard to complete our first piece of independent writing about the Romans. We have learned all about how to be a Roman soldier and chunked our writing so that we could explain this in a non-chronological report. We worked hard to edit and improve our work, focusing on ensuring our capital letters and full stops were in the right places, as well as fixing our spellings. Some of us even used conjunctions and extended our sentences. Once we were fully happy, we completed a redraft for our plot points and wrote them out into an entire paragraph.


Crew Hamill have worked their magic with their maths over the last few lessons. We began by adding two two-digit numbers and moved on to adding two three-digit numbers, some of which involved exchanging into the 10s and 100s columns!


Crew Hamill have worked their magic with maths over their last few lessons. We began by adding two two-digit numbers together but have now moved on to adding two three-digit numbers and have even begun exchanging across the 10s and 100s columns!

French – Crew Hamill and Crew Thompson

This week we have been looking at how we greet people at different times of the day (good day, good evening, good night). Once we had mastered our pronunciation and practised matching pictures with the correct greeting, we tested our new knowledge by playing a game of corners. There were pictures up around the classroom showing different activities at different times of the day. Miss McGlone said a greeting and we had to decide which picture matched the time of day for that greeting. We then moved to that picture and waited to see if we had chosen correctly!