French – Crew Hamill, Crew Thompson and Crew Mcloughlin 🇫🇷

During French, we have been looking at ways to communicate feelings. We looked at the new vocabulary before playing a number of different games to try and better our understanding. First, we played ‘Thumbs Up’ which involved us working with a partner to hide gestures representing each feeling ‘I am good, I am very good, I am sad, I am very sad, and neither good nor bad’. Our partner had to guess, in French, which gesture they thought we were hiding behind our back before it was revealed to us! We then played a game of ‘Captions’ where we had to listen carefully to the phrase that Miss McGlone said. We then had to choose the correct picture from around the room to go and stand by that we thought was the matching image to the phrase. To finish our lesson, we had a go at applying all of our knowledge so far in the form of a conversation.

In Crew Mcloughlin, we deepened our understanding of feelings in French by working with a partner to practice our pronunciation. One person pronounced one of our new phrases whilst the other drew the matching face. If the face was correct, the drawer got a point. If it was incorrect, the speaker stole the point for themselves!