It has been lovely finding out what children have been working on across school. Well done to all the children who have shared their beautiful work with me over the last 2 weeks. Some fantastic work 🙂
Challenge Crew – Toe Tag 👟👣
For today’s crew challenge, Crew Hamill got into pairs to go head to head in a game of Toe Tag. We had to stand back to back and on a given signal turn around and try to tap our partner’s toes with our own. The first person to 3 tags, was the winner!
Amazing Artists!🎨🧑🎨
Last week, Crew Hamill began their Art Slice, focusing on the use of watercolours to create a background. We looked at 12 different watercolour techniques including flat wash, gradient wash and splatter.
Today, we have continued with our watercolour painting, focusing on the four sections we need for the background of our work. We used flat wash and gradient wash to get the desired effects and experimented with mixing colours in order to get our desired shades.
Music – Crew Hamill, Crew Shields and Crew Thompson 🎶 ✨ 🎄 🎅🏼
This morning we have been perfecting our Christmas performance songs. We have been looking at making sure we are singing in time to the beat, adding in body percussion where needed, and getting the lyrics absolutely spot on! It is sounding really beautiful – we just need to keep practising our lines at home so that the whole performance really comes together ready for next week!
We finished off by continuing to learn how to play the recorder. We applied our knowledge of the notes B and A and put them into a short piece of music. We clapped out the rhythm before adding the instruments. Great work! 🎵
It’s a busy week this week – dates for your reference.
Leaning Tower of Feetza! 👣👟
This morning, Crew Hamill took part in a Crew Challenge in which they had to work in mini crews to create the tallest, free-standing tower using their shoes. They worked together to stack their shoes in order to create towers. Can you see which mini crew made the tallest tower?
TTRS battle in KS2
Our timestable rockstar day ended with quite the battle! Crews battled against each other to gather points in the hope their crew would make it to the final! There was great encouragement by all and it was lovely to see the improvements in our timestable knowledge! A big well done to everyone that took part 🙂 A big shout out to Crew Boswell who made it to the final! And to the 2 children who beat Mrs Ibbotson!
Shadow Puppets 🖐️🦖🌲
Today, Crew Hamill had an amazing time continuing our learning about light in Science. We investigated how shadows change by creating our own shadow puppets, casting shadows against the wall with our torches. You can see some of the shapes we made in the pictures below.
South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue 🔥🚒
This afternoon, we were fortunate to have a visit from firemen from South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue. We learnt all about fire alarms, fire safety and how to keep ourselves safe in an emergency. We found out it was essential to have a battery in your fire alarm and to test it works at least one day a week. Next, we learnt all about fire safety and what to do in case we catch fire. We need to stop, drop and roll to make sure the fire doesn’t get worse. Finally, in an emergency it is important to leave everything and leave by the nearest fire exit. What an informative afternoon we have all had.
How does light travel and reflect?
Crew Hamill worked in pairs this afternoon to investigate how light travels when it hits a reflective surface. We tested our previous knowledge in which we learned that light travels in a straight line to see what would happen when it was travelling towards a surface that it would reflect off. We found out that the light hits the reflective surface and bounces off, changing direction.