Crew Hamill loved their visit to Santa yesterday and we didn’t let the Grinch scare us. (Well, not too much!) How lovely to receive a gift each – some of us have started reading them already! 🙂

Crew Hamill loved their visit to Santa yesterday and we didn’t let the Grinch scare us. (Well, not too much!) How lovely to receive a gift each – some of us have started reading them already! 🙂
We had so much fun finalising our DT products by painting on our designs. We’ve even added some fact cards to the top to explain in more detail some of the things we’ve learned during our DT case study!
Crew Hamill were very lucky on Friday and were able to take part in an extra Scotty’s session which focused on survival skills. We carefully followed instructions to use a flint and steel to create fire! We began by learning how to use the flint and steel properly to create sparks and then used this to set a piece of cotton wool on fire. Once we’d mastered this skill, we added some vaseline to our cotton wool balls and set them alight again. This time, they burned for longer and create a flame! We had SO much fun!
Crew Hamill have worked really hard during Case Study 3 – Design and Technology – to look at creating a moving toy that has a mechanism inside it. We have worked hard to plan out what our product is going to look like, concentrating on measurements as well as the design itself. We have then begun to follow step by step instructions to begin to bring our designs to life!
Crew Hamill were so excited to get started with their first proper piece of writing in order to show off just how much knowledge we have gained during our grammar focus at the start of this year. We started by using our knowledge of subjects, verbs and leftovers to help Miss Hamill punctuate her model text. Once we had done this, we planned out what we were going to write in our own piece by using a subject, verb, leftover structure. We then worked as a crew to help Miss Hamill turn her plan into paragraphs, looking to see if we could join any of our single clause sentences together with a FANBOYS conjunction or if we could extend our sentences by adding leftovers at the beginning of the clause. We then put this into action ourselves to create our own paragraphs of writing.
Crew Hamill enjoyed doing den building today in xp outdoors . They used all the nature materials from our forest area.
Crew Hamill loved making stars and christmas trees using twigs from our forest.
To celebrate Children In Need, everyone who came to school and made a donation was able to take part in splatting Titch in the face with a whipped cream ‘pie’! It’s safe to say, everyone had fun! Even some of the adults joined in!
The last thing we needed to learn before moving on to our writing sessions was how to join two independent clauses together. We learned all about coordinating conjunctions, known as FANBOYS – for, and, nor, but, or, yet and so. We then worked through a few example sentences in which we had to identify which conjunction had been used. Once we’d identified this, we looked at the independent clauses either side of the conjunction. We identified each verb and subject, allowing us to see how we had two independent clauses with a subject and a verb joined together with one of the FANBOY conjunctions. We also learned that these conjunctions can be used to join more than one subject together to create a compound subject (for example, The moon and the stars).
Crew Hamill have tried really hard to develop their knowledge of verbs, subjects and leftovers by identifying them within paragraphs. We have been looking at unpunctuated paragraphs, with no capital letters, commas and full stops, and have used our knowledge of independent clauses having a subject and a verb to be able to work our where the punctuation belongs. We have found this tricky at times due to some of the vocabulary being difficult to understand but after working on it for a while, we are now much more confident!